Retake classes to boost GPA?

<p>What is your take on this? I have a few free spots, and I could either take random classes or retake two classes that I made C's in my freshman year and turn them into A's. </p>

<p>For argument's sake, lets just assume that I can get A's in both of these classes that I currently have C's in. I am wanting to boost my GPA mainly to look better for business grad schools. I have done the math and i think it will raise my GPA about .1 points (from 3.52 to 3.62). </p>

<p>Does it look bad to have repeated a class? Both the classes are just basics and are not my major classes. What do you think?</p>

<p>I have a question: which college are you going to?</p>

<p>I am honestly curious because this is the first time that I hear that a college allows you to retake a class to cover up a bad grade. All the colleges I am aware of would keep the old grade on your transcript (and in the GPA) even if you repeated the class.</p>

<p>It’s not that uncommon, but that does seem like a generous version of it.</p>

<p>For example, USC lets you retake 1-2 classes to recover your gpa, but with some pretty heavy restrictions: D+ or below only (C- doesn’t count), first-time freshmen only, no retake when the grade was because of academic integrity violation, only available for like 2 classes, and both grades are on the transcript (but only the newer grade counts in the GPA)</p>

<p>I go to Texas State University, you can retake any classes that I am aware of. It still shows on your transcript that you retook the class, and it shows your old grade and the new one, but the old grade is not counted in for GPA calculation. I retook a geography class that I made a “D” in and turned it into an “A” and my transcript says " GEO1310 D RPT A ". You of course cannot receive credit for the class again, but you do get the new grade.</p>

<p>So would you do it?</p>

<p>I would if it’s going to help me get a scholarship.</p>

<p>i know at TCNJ you can do it, and my brother did so he could boost his GPA for med school. he got into his first choice, so it couldnt have hurt</p>

<p>I wouldn’t do it unless you know 100% that you will get an A. If you were to retake them for a B, or worse a C, then it probably hurts you. Because you already took the course before anyone looking at your transcript would assume you should be smart enough to do the exact same material again and earn an A. If you’re looking for an MBA it probably won’t make a difference as work experience will mean a lot more. How good or bad it is to retake a class depends on who is looking at it. Some people might think you should have used your time in college to explore new classes rather than retake two Cs from freshman year (which really isn’t that bad). If there are two other courses you can take where you can get As I’d do them instead.</p>

<p>Yes Venkat, thats what I was thinking about also, I would much rather just take other classes that I can get an “A” in and learn some new material, etc. The only thing is it takes getting an “A” in like ten classes just to bring my GPA up the same amount as it would it I retook those two. </p>

<p>I’m pretty confident I can get an “A” in them, one is Sociology and I remember blowing that class off and only missing a “B” by one or two points. The other is my intro to business math class, and I skipped an exam thinking the teacher drops one and I was wrong, so I ended up with a “C” with a zero averaged in for a test grade.</p>