<p>So I got my scores back for the Dec. 08 SAT, first time I took it:</p>
<p>CR 620
M 730
W 750
= 2100</p>
<p>I'm not too mad with my score, but I really wanted a 2200+ so I wouldn't have to retake it. Critical reading is just KILLING me though. I'm fine with a 2200 flat though..</p>
<p>So I'm wondering, should I retake it in January or March? Is January too soon, is March too late? Will I need a lot of time to raise my score 100 points?</p>
<p>My situation is similar to yours. I got a 2190 but my CR score was terrible. I’m going to build up my vocabulary and wait until either March or May to take it. I know I won’t have much time to practice between now and January 24.</p>
<p>For most colleges, both test dates are too late. How in the world can retaking the test in jan be “Too soon”? Most deadlines are early Jan, and will reach colleges mid feb/early march.</p>