I guess I was responding to your use of the word “terrible”. I’ll bet there are tons of kids out there who would LOVE to have scores as “terrible” as yours
Anyway, there are lots of threads about this exact question - SSATs are just one part of your application. Grades, teacher recs, ECs, the rigor of your current school, FA or FP, where you are from, URM or ORM, etc etc etc. In general, an overall %ile over 90% really is a great score and you should feel good about it. In terms of the schools that you’re applying to, they are all very competitive, and even straight 99%s across the board won’t be a guarantee of admission. At this point you could take the test again (was this your first time taking it?) to see if you can improve in RC, or just focus your energy on other parts of your application. Because you’re applying for a grade with very limited spots (how many new 11th graders does Groton even take for example?), you may want to broaden your search a bit. The larger schools tend to have more openings.
Excellent score. But I would retake it as I believe the RC is relatively subjective test to test for an individual while your math and to a lesser extent verbal should be more constant. And if it does’t change or you do worse, you just submit your first one.
If SAT scores are better then those can be used for 11th grade. RC for SAT can be a focus at this time before the December test. SAT is less expensive than SSAT.
The cost of the test is very small compared to the cost of the school, so I wouldn’t let - if possible - that be the criteria. Maybe if you demonstrate through practice tests that you will meaningfully improve that score they would change their mind, unless the prospect of boarding school to them is low.