Retaking a Class in High School

I am currently a senior , and I received a D in my Calc AB class last year second semester. I need to retake it to improve my GPA, so could I possibly retake the class at a community college during my second semester of this year and mention in my college applications that I plan on doing so, or will it be too late for colleges? The spring semester at the community college begins in February, so I will be done with the class before my high school graduation.




You first need to check with your HS to see if this will replace your grade. If it’s OK then you need to check when your app goes in vs. the grade in the course. Then you can tell colleges what your grade is.

It depends on your school district or your school policy. In some cases, one can retake a class online or in the summer to replace the old grade. Even with that, it does not mean one can just go to a CC and take the class for that purpose. You will need to go through the school district or your school registration process. Also, if allowed, the new grade will replace the old one disregarding it is better or not. Nevertheless, anything happen in your second semester in senior may not impact in your college admission (but rescind of admission).