Retaking a class? :\

<p>I'm greatly struggling in one of my GE classes (go figure), and will probably be getting either a C or D. If I were to get a D, and had to retake the class, how does this impact me? I am hoping on attending grad school, and I was just wondering if they greatly look down upon someone who took a class out of interest, got a D, and retook it to get a B.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, looking for both honest and reassuring replies.. ha.. it's definitely very disheartening to have to go through this as I have been a A/B student prior..</p>

<p>Sometimes the grade you earn the second time around replaces the first grade. I don't know if there is a record kept of retakes on transcripts.</p>

<p>Grad school may ask more about experience than scrutinize you class by class. Meeting GPA requirements is what's needed more. If it comes around, just tell them like it is and make all the best of it.</p>