<p>If you retake a class, you only get credit for that class once, correct? I'm close to 60 credits and don't want to go over, but I wanted to try to raise my gpa.</p>
<p>why don't you want to go over 60???????</p>
<p>Ok, that's what I thought, thanks burgler. </p>
<p>racnna: You can't transfer to some schools if you have over 60 credits.</p>
<p>which schools?.. i thought it was more like- you can only transfer 60 credits max to most schools.</p>
<p>sblue- your tripping. most schools require 60, but anything over 60 wont be transferred. You need at least 60!</p>
<p>um...no you dont.</p>
<p>most schools will not transfer over 60+ credits but most schools won't be transfering all of your classes point for point anyway.</p>
<p>alot of schools require at least 1 to 2 semesters finished in order to apply.</p>