Retaking classes to make GPA better for grad school?

<p>Hey all, i made some screwups early on in mostly physics and some chem labs...</p>

<p>I was looking recently at grad school FAQS and saw that they look at only the last 2 years of your grades.</p>

<p>If i were to repeat those classes, the new grade would appear on my transcript but it would not get factored into the overall GPA.... so im wondering if the grad schools would factor in the new grade since it was taken in the last two years.</p>


<p>They would get your whole transcript anyways and would see what you are doing. I wouldn't think it would be worth it.</p>

<p>Some schools won't let you retake a class unless it is below a certain grade. Make sure retaking them is truly an option</p>

<p>I might get a damn B my HIST 1301 class but an A in the 1302. I want to keep my 4.0 till when I transfer to University, so should I retake 1301 with an easier instructor and make sure I get an A?</p>

<p>I wouldn't bother. When they say they look at the last 2 years, that means your 300 and 400 lvl classes. So if you did well in your core curriculum classes, you'll be fine. A good GRE score always helps too!</p>

<p>This wouldn't work, because what they mean by "last 2 years" is advanced junior- and senior-level coursework. In fact, it would look bad to be taking a bunch of freshman classes that late instead of challenging yourself with graduate classes or research projects.</p>