Retaking classes?

<p>I'm a Freshmen in college and I recieved a 1.0 in calc II. My plan at first was to take calc III, but now I think I have to retake calc II. I was told that med schools count that score anyway even if you retake it. I'm not sure what I should do. I have a 3.0 in chem I and 4.0 in a writing course. I recieved a 5 on the Bio AP (counts for bio I and II credit) but I'm planning on just accepting the bio I (organismal) credit and taking the bio II (cell and molecular) class. I feel like it's already too late for me as I want to go to Hopkins or U of M for med school. I don't know what was up with me my first semester, but is it too late? Should I retake Calc II?</p>

<p>Why hasn’t anyone even responded? I’m really freaking out here since a 1.0 is not even remotely close to what I thought I’d get. Advise?</p>

<p>If you are applying to schools that require CALC then many (most?) require a minimum of a C in prereq classes. So you would need to retake a D to have any chance. However medical schools will factor both the original grade and the retake into your science GPA so you will need to do a lot better the 2nd time round.</p>

<p>Many medical schools will not accept AP credit for pre reqs like biology. As most med schools require a year of biology plus lab you need to check (with a permed adviser perhaps) about whether you should take the AP credits and what that would require you to take to meet med school requirements.</p>

<p>Although the magnitude of my situation is different, I am also considering retaking multivar calc. i made the mistake of taking a harder math than I really needed to. I walked into the final wth an A, and walked out with a B in the class – very shocking and disappointing.
my question: my university will replace the B with a new grade if I retake the class as far as GPA goes, but both grades will show up my transcript. So… how bad will it look on my transcript even though it doesn’t count in my GPA? and, more importantly, do med school really recalculate my GPA the way they want to? I thought they just went off of what the undergrad college lists as the GPA and science GPA.</p>

<p>Med schools (or more specifically, the AAMC) will recalculate your GPA to include both grades if you decide to retake the course.</p>

<p>More importantly, regardless of how med schools calculate the grade, why would you want to sit through something you already got a B in the first time? What a horrible waste of time.</p>

<p>Retaking a B is a waste of time, money, and credits. Don’t bother.</p>

<p>jasonarl – Yes, if you are applying to a school that requires a year of calculus, then you should retake it. And yes, both scores are on the transcript, but you aren’t the only applicant who has ever retaken, or dropped, a course. Also, why are you planning on taking Calc III, unless is is required for your major? You don’t need Calc III for med school.</p>

<p>JohnC613-- don’t retake multivariable calc. Definitely don’t need that for med school.</p>