Retaking in time for Fall '09?

<p>I'm thinking of retaking the SAT I in January. I'm applying to Stanford and UPenn. Penn already states that they accept a Jan test if it's a retake. But I don't know whether Stanford accepts a Jan test for admission. Does anybody have info on this? I really need to improve my math section. I'm submitting my Common App before Jan 1 09.</p>

<p>you not taking the dec. 6 test?</p>

<p>you could do that one stand-by if you need an extra test that is before all the january deadlines</p>

<p>i’m taking subjects in december, which is why I am worried about the deadlines. If I didn’t have to take subjects for penn, I’d retake the SAT in Dec, but does anybody know if Stanford accepts a Jan rewrite?</p>


<p>anybody can help me out with this problem?</p>

<p>From the Stanford Undergraduate Admissions Website:</p>

<p>“We recommend students make arrangements to take the required tests well in advance of our application deadlines. It is unlikely that scores from tests taken after our deadlines will arrive in our office in time for our review process. We will certainly review any scores we receive (even if they arrive after the deadline) but we cannot promise to delay the review of an application in anticipation of scores that will arrive at a later date.”</p>

<p>im taking it in jan for 09 admission because im trying to get extra time. for some schools its too late, look and see when their deadline is</p>