I’m a community college student right now with the intention of transferring within two years. I’m a political science major and my English/Political Science classes are A’s. I did well in all my classes except my Math 10(Elementary Statistics class) where I ended up with a 69. For this reason for the following quarter I’m retaking Statistics but because the lecture classes are full I have to sign up for the online class(still shows up as a normal class at my college). I’m very worried this will impact my prospects of transferring because up until this point, I maintained a 3.85 GPA but I’m worried because of my terrible grade in Math it will screw up my college chances. I like the idea of retaking the class and I regret now not dropping the class even with a W. For some context I am a California Community College student about to enter my 3rd quarter in college with goals of transferring to a UC. I know the UC’s are very hard numberwise so I feel unless I get a good grade in the math class I’m screwed.
Ehh…I’m so angry at myself. I was a straight A student up to this point…
Hey man it happens. I’m doing premed and got A’s in everything except for college algebra which was a 75. Nothing you can do about it except work your butt off in your future classes and make better grades. I’m in the same situation so i know how it feels.
That’s true. I have to just pick myself up from this point. Since the math class is a GE I have to still take it and since I struggled with this class this quarter at least I know what I need to focus on next quarter.