Retaking Non-ASSIST Class


I’m currently attending Sacramentl City College and looking to transfer to a UC school as a computer science major.
But due to extenuating circumstances, I got a c in my cs course. The thing is that this course isn’t transferable but is required as a prereq for the following course (which is transferable). Or so I thought.

I have the option of taking the following course (which is transferable) in the spring semestre since I was able to demonstrate my ability in the previous one (that I got a D in) to a professor.

Would the UC’s look down on the D grade, or would it not matter since they aren’t transferable units?

Thank you~


Won’t matter since it is not transferable.

Won’t matter anyways if you pass the next level, since you don’t get credit for taking it out of sequence.

Thanks :smiley: