Retaking Physics in college after AP Physics C

<p>So I'll be taking the physics AP C on monday and am fairly confident that I'll get a 4 or 5, hopefully a 5 (since thats what gets me credit). </p>

<p>I am however, wondering if, granted I get a 5, I should choose to place out of the basic Physics Mechanics and E and M courses. I feel that I know physics decently well but to tell you the truthm I've done well in physics mainly through memorizing formulas and learning how to manipulate them to get the right answer on a problem. </p>

<p>Whenever I do multiple choice, I have trouble with the conceptual questions because I don't understand all of the concepts (I'd say I understand 60-70% of them). </p>

<p>Do you guys recommend retaking the courses in college if I feel I don't know all of the concepts? How integral is a complete understanding of basic physics for a major like electrical engineering? I know that there's nothing to lose by taking it (if I take it I'll have done a bunch of the stuff so I'll work on what I don't understand and hopefully make an easy A) so should I just take it again?</p>

<p>skip mechanics and take whats called physics 2 in most universities…the e&m part
since you are going to do EE…if you said you were gonna do ME i would consider sure placing out of all of it and start with statics</p>

<p>but ya take physics 2…physics 1 will basically be redundant and not so useful to you…physics 2 may be redundant but very useful to you (it might be an easy A for you depending on where you are going to take it)</p>

<p>Taking Ap classes this year, and my senior year ( next school year) I also plan to take Ap classes. I plan to re-take all of them in college if the class is needed for my major.</p>