Return from Graduation

<p>Just returned from my DS' graduation this week. What a wonderful experience that you can look forward to if you are a UM parent! Of course, there is the craziness of a million students moving out on campus and parking is a nightmare, but with that aside, UM is a magical place.
The Honors Convocation was inspiring and the students at UM are remarkable. The places they will continue on to are impressive and I did not meet one graduate without a "plan"! Grad school, fellowships, jobs, travel, they were really all headed for a wonderful future. </p>

<p>The graduation ceremony was also inspiring and emotional. The students worked hard and this was a wonderful celebration with many surprises and eloquent speakers. Our out of town guests remarked that they had never been to such a fun graduation!</p>

<p>We had a lovely lunch at Cafe Vialeto...such a great recommendation from someone on this board. The Hampton had their own graduation celebration for the families with happy hour nibbles and drinks, decorations abundant, etc. </p>

<p>Overall, I am proud to be a UM parent and can't wait for DD's in 3 more years! Go 'Canes!</p>

<p>Congratulations DinDune. My best wishes for your S future. My S is class of 17.</p>

<p>All the best to you and congratulations to your son’s achievements. A very fast 4 years I imagine.</p>

<p>Congratulations DinDune! It’s good to hear that the graduates you spoke with all had jobs or other plans. What is your son going to do?</p>

<p>DS is moving on with his education. He received his BSBA and is now headed to UF’s Masters of Accounting program which is a full year Aug-Aug in Gainesville, after a paid internship at a firm in Coral Gables this summer.</p>

<p>^Great field! That’s wonderful.</p>

<p>Congrats DinDune!</p>

<p>We were at the Honors Convocation as well! So sorry we did not get to meet. We also loved the graduation ceremony. So well done and even lots of fun (did not expect that!).</p>

<p>The RSMAS students walked at the 5 p.m. Friday ceremony along with the College of Arts and Sciences. It was amazing how quickly and efficiently they were able to get all those students across the stage!</p>

<p>All my daughter’s friends are also either going on to grad school have jobs. So many impressive futures in store for them.</p>

<p>My daughter will be pursuing her PhD in neuroscience at the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University. Her package includes full tuition and a very generous stipend guaranteed for 6 years. All of the experience she was able to attain from her time at RSMAS made her a very attractive candidate, in fact she missed the application deadline by a month and the professor she will be working with got the deadline extended because he was so impressed with her credentials. She will be studying the inking defense systems of cephalopods and their effects on the nervous system. We are in Atlanta now looking for apartments for her (we drove right from Miami). We are tired yet so very proud of her and so thrilled with her experience at the U!</p>

<p>Congrats to you SVMMom! It sounds like your daughter has a challenging 6 years in front of her! She will love Atlanta! We used to live there many years ago…a great city for young, energetic people!</p>

<p>Please pass on my congratulations to your son, DinDune, and you to your daughter, SVMMom. FWIW, I enjoyed graduation, although I absolutely hate taking to any kind of stage, even if it’s only for a few moments. In the biology department we had our own separate mini-ceremony which was much less formal… I enjoyed it because it was much more personal, too.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all my fellow graduates in the future - for the past four years it has been, and in the future it will continue to be, great to be a Miami Hurricane!</p>