Reusing Letters of Recommendation

Hey all! I’ve just started the process of asking for letters of recommendation and I was wondering if (in the common app) there was a way to attach one LOR to multiple colleges. Or will I have to send the invite from each college separately?

I’m trying to minimize the amount of times I have to ask the recommender for a recommendation, so I don’t annoy them.

If it is through our HS the counselor will upload them into SCOIR or Naviance and then you link the accounts and request the LORs. I dont know how it works for outside recommenders but the common app does ask for email addresses so they will get a notification

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The teachers who are writing the LoRs only write one for you, one that isn’t specific to any college.

Yes, in the common app, you can select which LoRs you want to go to which colleges. Remember to get two LoRs from core subject teachers, although some schools may only accept one LoR.

ETA: Here is the common app FAQ on LoRs. What you do at your HS may be different if you use Naviance or Scoir, so talk to your GC. Remember to use the common app FAQs for your questions, the information is a helpful resource.


This part is important! The LOR needs to talk about YOU without mentioning any specific college. I think most HS faculty know that, but outside recommenders might not.

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Sounds good! Thanks.

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