Reverse Chance Me, New Immigrant to US

I also have the chance to move to Virginia, due to having immediate family over there. Is the process easier, with the whole VCCC to UVA pipeline? I don’t mind retaking classes. Also, I do understand how competitive this process is, and how tough it is to get into top schools, I’ve done more than enough research on the acceptance rates and all, and am more than willing to put in the work for a better future.

It has already been processed thankfully, we got our appointment date at the embassy.

True, but thankfully we already got our appointment at the embassy.

You have your appointment to get a visa to enter the country. You’ll have to apply for the Green Card once you’re here, and then that has to be processed. Just warning you that could take double the time, or more.

It’s now July. If your embassy appointment is coming up, that could take another month, then you have to move. That put you into the fall. You’d have to apply for school, even community college. IF you are lucky, you could start school in the spring. That takes your one year date to 2023. You’ll have plenty of time to figure it out.

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Yeah, I see. Maybe I can enroll as an out of state for a semester, and then change my status once I’m eligible.

But who is going to pay? You won’t be eligible for FA until you have that Green Card.

Why don’t you get a job, earn money for a year, then see where you are? By then you’ll have your transcripts evaluated and know if you do have to repeat any classes, be able to make a plan. I think you will waste time and money if you just sign up for classes when you don’t know what you need to take in order to transfer to a UC or CSU.


I do plan on working during my gap year, and hopefully have a consulting internship lined up during the summer in Dubai, which is why I’m hesitant as it’ll push my transfer further. As for transcript evaluation, I know a couple of people who transferred from my university to USC, and they had a good amount of coursework accepted, for instance, which is why I’m hopeful and thought about prioritizing USC in the first place. Thank you for the help, and I think I’ll go down the waiting route. Does the 2 year academic gap play a bad role in admissions?

In addition, I found a document on my current university’s registrar that shows the course equivalence for transfers. Some courses I’ve taken are there for UCs/UVA/USC, and they are recent transfers (2018-2019). For instance, my corporate finance course is equivalent to Haas’s Intro To Finance.

Your problem for transferring is not major pre-reqs (you seem to have them) but all the general education courses (those will be different in VA and CA; did you read the link above about CA?) + establishing a US track record for the UCs/VA universities. You can take the gen eds at a CC without problem and you can try to take classes that would further indicate advanced understanding of concepts. For that, you’ll need at least a semester of classes and grades before you apply but if you attend in the Spring you’ll be okay.

You will need one year of state residency with your parents: address, driver’s license, etc. (As a green card holder you can’t register to vote).
That’s separate from one year/2 semesters at a CC in order to be able to transfer.

VA might be easier because there are fewer people moving there and rents are marginally less than in LA depending on where you settle. Then again, there are more people and more competition, but you have 9 UCs including 6 that are world class and all with state grants, v. VA with UVA, W&M, VTech, not sure on the financial aid. So, look everything up first.

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Thank you so much for the reply! And seriously, your advice is really thorough. I did look over your link, and look at the bare minimums needed to transfer, in addition to the requirements such as being physically present/getting a license/other evidence of intent. Thank you so much! I will be looking for something similar for UVA. As for paying the actual tuition, I might be able to talk to family members to help me out a bit, maybe for a semester of non-state before hopefully being eligible. All that said, transferring is one tedious process.


Is your current college affordable? If so, why transfer? Finish your bachelors degree there would be my suggestion.

Moving to VA will not be any easier. In any case both you AND your family will need to move here and most states require at least a 12 month residency requirement to establish residency for instate status. Some schools are very clear that you can’t be enrolled in college while establishing residency. And just about all make it very clear that you have to demonstrate that you are NOT just moving there for the purpose of going to college and gaining instate status for residency.

Please check the requirements.

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We are moving to the US full stop. Lebanon is facing so many crisis, inflation, unemployment, power/internet cuts, fuel cuts… You name it, in addition to constant unrest, instability, safety concerns and more. We are fortunate enough to have started immigration a while back, and have to leave.

As for that, I will look into it. Thanks.

I understand. Please first try to figure out what your family can contribute towards your college costs without them taking loans.

I know that sounds hard, but you need to know this.

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For state residency, be sure to research whether your summer internship in Dubai won’t hurt you. For instance, Utah requires that, during your year of establishing residency, you do not leave the state for more than 28 days TOTAL, and they require proof (such as regular credit card/debit card purchses made locally). I do not know what it is for CA and VA; just be sure to check so that you don’t end up compromising your residency status by breaking any state rules about time spent in the state.

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I do need to look out for that, thank you!

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You’ve made a lot of plans based on assumptions:

  • Immediately gaining a Green card.
  • “Easy” admission into the UC’s and UVA (public schools)
  • USC is a private and the fees go up annually. Assuming affordability at $72K per year.
  • Internship in Dubai without understanding residency requirements.
  • Family members will pay your expensive non-resident tuition and fees.
  • Assuming that your credits will transfer and are sufficient
  • attending a CC immediately as a non-resident, and then transferring to resident status the next semester.
  • assuming that an embassy appointment is a guarantee and that it wont be changed.

It’s not what you have envisioned and researched (rankings) that will hamper you, it’s what each entity requires in Federal, State and University’s rules and expectations, that you assumed and didn’t research, that are going to impede your progress.
Your focus should be on
Transfer limitations
Immigration changes/rules

I’m really surprised that you can redirect your parents in where to live (CA vs. VA). If your parent has an Employer-Based visa, doesn’t he have to be in one state to establish residency for both you and to keep the family visa? (No, it’s not a virtual thing because then Immigration could reject you and say that you could return to Lebanon for a virtual job).
As far as I know, they have to be self-sufficient and a resident of one state.

Read the links thoroughly.

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Yes, there are tons of delays/details that I may have been overlooking. As for CA/VA, the company does have branches in both places. Our papers are currently being done in CA, but we can move. Thank you for putting it in a more realistic light.

And a question for you…so what if your parents relocate to CA and you don’t get accepted to the colleges there?

What about if your parents relocate to VA and you don’t get accepted there?

My opinion…your parent choice about relocation should be separate from your probable college choices because the job sounds certain…college admissions aren’t as certain.

The colleges you have listed on this thread are quite competitive for admissions.

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