Reverse Transferring? Is it the Best Idea?

I am currently in my first year of a four year university as a pre-nursing major. I truly underestimated myself in the idea that I was prepared for college. This past semester my gpa fell to a 1.7 and I have been put on academic probation. To remain a pre-nursing major I need to carry a 2.5. I feel like a failure because of how poor I’ve done. I honestly tried so hard last semester. I went to tutoring, met with advisors and professors, and studied like crazy. Yet I didn’t do well and I feel like I’m not cut out for university but I still want to be a nurse, and eventually a nurse practitioner, with everything I have. My question is, would I be better of at a community college instead? I don’t even like my University’s nursing program, I have found a far better nursing school in my city that I would like to attend. I was thinking of getting my RN at community College and then doing an RN to BSN program at the school I like. I feel so stupid, behind, and lost. I’m the first in my family to attend college so I haven’t got much help. Does anyone have any advice for me? I’m staying at University this semester and taking all easy going courses in hopes of raising my gpa. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you all

A transfer sounds like it makes sense in your case.

You also might look into practical/vocational nursing as an alternative, which is also offered at many community colleges. That may be the best if you are having difficulty with the advanced sciences.

There are many other health care fields that may be worth investigating.

It is certainly worth looking into, but my best advice is do your homework about the program itself. Even at community college, one does not just sign up for nursing courses. What is the process for admission to the program? What prereqs do you need? If those prereqs were courses you did poorly in this semester, when will you retake those those classes? If you retake next year at the cc, are you ok with adding another year to your program? How many retakes are allowed? What kind of GPA do the admitted nursing students have? There’s a published minimum, but admitted students sometimes need higher. Taking easy courses this semester to raise your GPA may not be a great strategy if it’s the GPA in your prereqs that matter. What does the program documentation say about who gets admitted? Look online for the nursing school policies or write down a list of questions and go talk to someone in the nursing department at the cc. To plan effectively, you need to know the requirements.