Review applicants, when should we hear back?

I’ve heard that A&M will release decisions for review applicants on Thursday. anyone else heard anything about this?

Where did you hear that? Do you mean specifically this thursday or each thursday of each week?

I thought decisions on Thursday were for the engineering applicants?

Normal decisions are still being handed out every week. You only need to check your AIS on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening, thats when decisions are posted. The January 15th date, this Thursday, is to have all of the decisions out just for the College of Engineering! This means that only student fully admitted into the COE will recieve their acceptance. The students not fully admitted to the COE can still be offered full admission to TAMU as well as Blinn.

My son has been under review for what seems “forever”. He applied the first day applications opened and is a computer science major (pretty sure that’s engineering). So is this intel solid in regards to this Thursday (1/15/2015)? Thanks!

@sgtfriar2015 Yes the date is solid, Computer Science is engineering so your son should have some info on Thursday evening, if he doesn’t receive an acceptance on Thursday(around 5pm) check back on Friday incase the system is backed up. After Friday then its likely he was not accepted for full admission into the College of Engineering, however he can still be offered normal admission for another major as well as BIinn etc.

Anyway, is this the same for college of science majors???
Like biology, physics, or chem??
Or is it just for the college of engineering??
When will be the college of science acceptances be posted???

Blake, thank you. It’s been many long months and my son has traveled to A&M and even received a small scholarship as an out-of-state student. Last question - if he’s does not receive full admission on Thursday/Friday, will there be some message, alternative offer, or will he still remain “under review”. I really hope we have some direction as it’s been about 6 months of waiting…sigh. Thank you and as we’ve learned…“Gig 'em”.

@sgtfriar2015 Im not sure, I am sure that if you’re not offered admission on the 15th then you have not been accepted for full admission into the College of Engineering. Ill get some more information tomorrow.

@raviross No, only the College of Engineering had the January 15th date, the rest of the school will keep rolling out admission decisions weekly. I do know that Mays Business school is already filled 100%.

I have sent my application to tamu college station around September, should I get worried???

Just to re-post what is stated on from TAMU Admissions : there have been roughly 2000 review admits full acceptances distributed already,

"My gut tells me we’ll send another 500-600 offers of full admission for Fall 2015. Approximately 3,500 Blinn TEAM offers and approximately 700 Gateway offers will be sent as well.

Certain majors are not more competitive than others; the issue is that certain majors are more popular than others. The College of Science currently has plenty of space available. "

" In addition to Mays, the following majors are full: Communication, Journalism, Psychology and Visualization. "
"Last year, there were some offers of full admission that trickled out (along with denials) into the month of February. My gut tells me we’ll continue sending offers of admission (full, TEAM, Gateway) as well as denial letters into February this year. "

To follow these posts: go to, forums, academics, first post listed - they come from TAMU admissions directly.

@SgtFriar2015‌ , since you said you have received a small scholarship from TAMU - is your student in Engineering Review (admission to TAMU, waiting on College of Engineering decision) or a Review Applicant (no admission information given yet)? If Engineering Review - you will hear anytime now regarding COE but not necessarily today. If your student is a Review Applicant, then you need to have heard by today to be eligible for Engineering Review which picks the last 15% of COE admissions (Engineering majors ) then wait for the COE decision. Regarding your ‘small’ TAMU scholarship - if it is an eligible scholarship of at least $1000, it also comes with a tuition waiver You would pay instate rates minus the amount of the scholarship. So… not so ‘little’ if it is eligible :slight_smile:

Still in engineering review. Was told they will roll out out today, but according to TexAgs forum, they will start rolling out next week

AGMomx2 - my son is a Review Applicant (no admission given yet). So, are you saying that if he did not hear back today, he won’t be under “Engineering Review”? I agree about the scholarship as the in-state tuition is very appealing. He received a $2400 scholarship! Go Aggies.

@SgtFriar2015‌ , your son had to have both majors listed as COE majors to be eligible as well - did he have both 1st & 2nd choice in COE? Last year the cutoff was Jan 15, if you did not hear by then for the admission to the university you were not in the pool of applicants for Engineering Review. Nothing says that admissions can’t change the process or the date, this is only the second year that they are using this process for the last 15% of COE majors only.

If your son has just a first choice COE major, then when his application is reviewed, it will default to the 2nd choice major (provided that is available at time of admission to the university). If both majors are full, then he will be asked to pick an open major when given his offer of admission. In effect, Engineering is considered ‘full’ at 85% for those who only have it as a first choice major, although others will be admitted later from Engineering review results.

The order of events here is admission to the university, then admission to major based on capacity. The only competitive admission to majors that I’m aware of are the last 15% of COE majors and all Business Honors majors.

Congrats on the scholarship offer! The wait should be over soon - last year the goal was end of February for all types of admission decisions (prior years the application cutoff was later, mid January vs. Dec. 1). Good luck!

I’ve been lurking for months - apologies for butting in and asking a question here. But my son applied in August, chose Mechanical Engineering as a major and has not heard anything back. It sounds like he won’t get into the Engineering school. Could he still get admitted to the University?

@MansfieldTxMom‌ , yes he could still be admitted (see quote from admissions ^ #10). I’d keep an eye on his account the next week just in case things have changed since last year with the cutoff for consideration for Engineering Review for COE (provided he listed both 1st & 2nd choices as COE majors - if not, he will not be considered for COE, it will change to 2nd choice major).

@AGmom - great insight and really appreciate it. No, he did not have a 2nd COE major so it sounds like he’ll have to wait for general acceptance (hopefully) then see where lands in terms of a major. At this point, just being admitted would be wonderful news. It’s been so long and his app was in the day they opened the process. The people in and around A&M have been wonderful to us.

@mansfieldtxmom Yes.

@AGmomX2 - Thanks for the info. I went to the link in your earlier response and found tons of great information there. We’ll continue to follow that link!