Reviewed Decision Pending -- Your Experience??

My mid-year grades arrived at McGill on Feb. 21. Today my status was switched to "Reviewed, Decision Pending."
Can others who have had this status let me know what their outcomes have been? Is it essentially a glorified waiting list?
I was a bit surprised by this status because my grades are very good (3.8 GPA, unweighted, 33 ACT, etc). I've applied to the faculty of science.
Have any of you been switched from 'decision pending' to accepted? If so, how long did it take?
Anyone been wait listed or not accepted following this status?
I'm just trying to prepare myself and figure out what to expect. (And trying not to freak out totally!!!!!)
Any insights are welcomed!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I have no idea. :expressionless: I’m in the exact same boat as you are, except they got my midyear grades on February 16. I’m feeling more than a little bit discouraged now, ugh!</p>

<p>I feel your pain Rachel! Keep me posted. I’d love to hear from people who got this status who then either got in, were wait-listed or rejected. It’s hard to gage exactly what it means. Sigh!</p>

<p>I think this is pretty obvious. They reviewed your application. However for some reasons they are not convince that you are the “good” student for Mcgill University. I think that they are just waiting to see all the application. If you have a good application compare to the rest of the other applicant, you will be accepted. However, if they see others applicant who have better GPA, grades, SAT’s … you will not be able to go at Mcgill.</p>

<p>Hope …</p>

<p>Good luck :)</p>

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<p>Hey Artemis,
I get that. (Though I’m surprised because my grades, averages and test scores are well above the average McGill generally accepts).
I’m asking for other’s experiences because I’m interested in hearing what percentage of students who receive this status end up with acceptances, wait-lists or rejections. I’m curious whether this is the status that all students get if they’re not accepted outright, or whether some get waitlisted or rejected right after review.
That was really the point of my query. In the meantime, Rachel and I will keep our fingers crossed : )

<p>I was also pretty surprised. My UW GPA is a 3.7 but I had a 2320 SAT and three 5s on AP tests and one 4, in addition to the six tests that I’ll be taking at the end of this year. I thought McGill was at least a match for me…IDEK. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>As I have posted earlier, McGill does not have rolling admissions in the sense that US schools do i.e. the first application files completed are the first to get a decision. It appears that decisions come out in a somewhat random manner. I think people are reading too much into “Decision Pending” statuses. Unless it says your application is missing something, don’t worry.</p>

<p>I was decision pending for about a month and just got accepted to the faculty of agriculture and environment. still waiting to hear about the faculty of science. (SAT 2000, ACT 29)</p>

<p>Thanks so much Tom and twoseat. Your comments are much appreciated and exactly the kind of info I was curious about. Congrats on your acceptance two seat :slight_smile:
Hope to hear something (one way or the other soon!)
And Rachel – you sound like you’re in exactly the same boat as me, with very similar scores etc. I wish you ALL the best!

<p>Mine is still “Reviewed - Decision Pending”
Hope they will change it soon. =(
International Student
IB Diploma - 36 points (without bonus points)</p>

<p>I am in the same boat</p>

<p>All of my required information (official mid-year grades, test scores, e.t.c) were in by February 2nd</p>

<p>February is pretty much over and it still says “reviewed- decision pending”</p>

<p>I would really like to hear from some people who experienced this same situation, and what happened to their application, like how long it took to hear back or whether or not they eventually were accepted.</p>

<p>It’s pretty nerve-wracking waiting without knowing at all why or what is happening.</p>

<p>Thanks and glad to have this resource</p>

<p>Good Luck elikauf. I’m still in the same boat : )</p>

<p>im a mess because my file has been complete since the 18th, and i’ve had decision pending since the 19th or 20th. another girl in my school has the same status, another girl has been accepted, and one guy got rejected. so idk what to expect! i have 3.77 gpa, 2130 SAT, 740 spanish SATII, and 730 Lit SATII.
i’ve been accepted so far to colgate (too expensive so out of the running) and tulane with an 80,000 scholarship over 4 years, but i want to go to mcgill!!!</p>

<p>i should note that the girl who got accepted and the guy who got rejected both had decision pending prior to their final decision (and both had complete files by the 18th like me, so they only had decision pending for a few days, unlike me). they heard back on 22nd and 24th respectively.</p>

<p>Yikes oneblue…sounds scary! I guess we just need to wait. (No news is good news???) At least it means we don’t have rejections, right? My stats are about the same as yours, except I took the ACT instead of the SAT. Had an 800 in SAT2 Bio; 5 in AP bio; 4 in AP US History. Currently taking all honors and AP… So stressed!</p>

<p>yes, you’re right: we’ll just have to keep waiting. so stressful though! i applied to the faculty of arts. why is mcgill one of your top choices? i love the city and the atmosphere…i was raised in connecticut but born in canada and am a citizen of that country so a lot of family members have gone to mcgill and all of them loved the whole experience.</p>

<p>onebluegoldfish, my situation is reallyy similar to yours!
All of my stuff has been in since the 18th too, which is when I initially got the “reviewed decision pending”. I also have a 3.77, my SAT was 2180 but my SAT IIs were slightly lower than yours, but in the exact same subjects lol. I applied to arts too.
I’ll have my fingers crossed for both of us to get in (:</p>

<p>i got accepted to the school of agriculture and environmental sciences after having decision pending for about 3 days (not including weekends)… still waiting on nursing though. </p>

<p>my grades were stellar, and my tests mediocre (around the minimums - my writing was below the minimum, heh), so i’m sure you guys are going to get accepted</p>

<p>angieology-- wow we could be twins! haha i do hope we both get in! let me know when you hear from them!</p>

<p>hey, so i was just accepted! i was a little over a week on decision pending. i hope this makes others feel hopeful. im so happy!</p>