Reviewed Decision Pending -- Your Experience??

<p>I got in today! Thank you to everyone for helping with the wait.</p>

<p>Lacrosseplayer, best wishes to you. I have confidence you’ll get in.</p>

<p>Congrats Eli! How did you find out? (The website or an email?) Also, did you apply to arts or science? (or something else?).
I’m SO happy for you!

<p>I was accepted into the arts, which fits your hypothesis, but wait-listed for the interfaculty B.A. and S.C.
I checked online, no email was sent.
As an American student am I guaranteed housing for my first year?</p>

<p>What does S.C. stand for?
Yes, I think they do guarantee you housing.
What’s the difference between arts and interfaculty B.A?
And again, congratulations! I’ll keep checking online :slight_smile:
Keep me posted about the waitlist too!

<p>oh its an arts and science joint faculty</p>

<p>accepted to both the Faculty of Science and the Interfaculty BA & Sc…
lacrosseplayer you’re next i bet!</p>

<p>Congrats Ciao! Very happy for you! Good job :slight_smile:
I’m getting more discouraged by the day though. Just don’t know why I’m not hearing when it appears everyone else is?! Oh well…either way is not the end of the world.</p>

<p>yeah mine has said “further review required” for… it seems forever! and i have all my stuff in :(</p>

<p>Cinman --Maybe you should call them. Because “further review required” means they don’t have everything. Mine only said that until they got my mid-year grades and then it changed immediately (within 24 hours). I think you should make sure that something didn’t get lost or never showed up! Good luck and keep us posted :)</p>

<p>oh really? yeah it says they got my mid year grades two weeks ago. i suppose a call wouldn’t hurt! thanks so much :)</p>

<p>Definitely. Just for piece of mind. I mean…I’m going on 3 weeks with “reviewed, decision pending” but the "further review required did change literally the day after my grades arrived. So it can’t hurt to be safe about it.</p>

<p>or should i email the admissions office because i don’t know what the hours are AND i think it costs a lot to call canada right?</p>

<p>I’ve heard that they’re busy now and it takes a long time to get an email reply (I’ve read that in certain threads). I don’t know where you live, but from where I am (Eastern US) its not that expensive to call Canada. I’d try first thing in the a.m. (I’m sure their hours are 9 to 5). You can try email too…but you might find a call more effective.</p>

<p>Alright yeah Im in the same area as you so I will give it a shot, appreciate the help!</p>

<p>I feel your pain, LacrossePlayer.</p>

<p>I got a friggin’ fellowship to the music school, IF the graduate school accepts me (this is actually stated in the letter). </p>

<p>So now it’s killing me even more.</p>

<p>Still NOTHING! As the days go by I’m really starting to worry. I really thought my grades/GPA/test scores were in (or above) the range McGill requests. I’m stumped as to why I’m not hearing anything. (Vent…vent…vent…)</p>

<p>Keep us posted, Lacrosse Player… I’m sure you’ll get in…</p>

<p>Lacrisse Player,</p>

<p>Same pain as you. Always tell myself to be patient.</p>

<p>just fyi for anyone still waiting… my status never changed from “further review required” to “reviewed, decision pending” but i was still admitted. i really think they are still reviewing and getting to everyone. </p>

<p>i have to say i think i prefer when all the decisions are released on the same day even if it means waiting a bit longer to find out. less stressful for sure.</p>

<p>my status said decision pending for about two weeks and today i finally got admitted arts and waitlisted to arts and science!</p>

<p>im pretty sure youll find out really soon lacrosseplayer! good luck</p>