Revised Curriculum?

<p>Did anyone get a copy of the new curriculum/course plan for MT? When my D auditioned, they read through it, but it had not been changed early enough to end up in the printed materials - - it sounded amazing - and my D would like to take a look at it as she makes her final decision…</p>

<p>I had forgotten that they said they were revising the curriculum. Let me know if you hear anything more about it. I wonder if Margie S. would be the one to contact.</p>

<p>I believe this is the new curriculum (or much of it)</p>

<p>Basic Acting<br>
Acting Techniques
Scene Study
Acting Through Song
Period Acting Styles 1
Period Acting Styles 2
Advanced Acting Through Song 1
Advanced Acting Through Song 2
Stage Lighting 3
Stage Craft 3
Stage Costuming<br>
Theatrical Stage Make-up
Script Analysis 3
Voice and Speech for the Actor
Directing 3
Preparation for the Profession
History of Theatre 1
History of Theatre 2
American Musical Theatre 1
American Musical Theatre 2
Theatre Production
Senior Showcase
Applied Voice (8 semesters)
Applied Piano (4 semesters)
Choral Ensemble
Music Theory for Musical Theatre 1
Music Theory for Musical Theatre2
Sightsinging for Musical Theatre 1
Sightsinging for Musical Theatre 2
Introduction to Lyric Diction
Musical Theatre Dance Technique 1
Musical Theatre Dance Technique 2
Musical Theatre Dance Styles 1
Musical Theatre Dance Styles 2
Jazz Dance Electives
Tap Dance Electives
Dance Elective<br>
General Education (outside of major)
15 credits of general education are embedded in classes in the theatre core and the major
Going Global: First Year Seminar
Quantitative Literacy elective
Scientific World elective
Moral Reasoning elective
Human Behavior elective</p>

<p>can you double major in this program?..i think i read somewhere that you can.</p>