REVOKE my acceptance??? VT

<p>I am a transfer student with a 3.65 gpa. I was recently offered admissions into tech for the fall. I will be graduating from a VA cc. This semester however my grades have dropped. I am taking 4 classes. I will get an A or B in two or my classes, but the other two I think i will probably get a C..hopefully. I am not sure about one of them though. What are my chances of being revoked??? What if I make an agreement to redo the classes in the summer to bring up the grades to atleast a B?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you’ll be okay with C’s since the rule is 2.0 in a class transfers over. So it transfers I figure it shouldn’t be a big deal. I know plenty of VT kids who take summer classes at community college (cheaper) and they can careless about A’s and B’s since C’s transfer (2.0’s). Transfer-wise I’d just think if you’d fail you’d have to worry.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure I will get a C in one but idk what my grade is in the other. If I recieve a D in the other would they revoke it? Would they be willing to make an agreement if I redo the class and maintain a certain GPA in my summer classes I would keep my offer of admission?</p>

<p>If you get a D you have to notify them in writing, I read it on the acceptance packet. Take a look at it if you still have it!</p>

<p>^ So if you get a D in a class you have to tell them why you received it? What if say… its a class Tech doesnt offer or doesnt even transfer I wonder if they treat all D’s the same or depends on the class?</p>

<p>I can speak from experience on this one :)</p>

<p>If you get below a C (if your school has minuses, getting a C- is bad), VT may revoke your acceptance if it’s a class you need (Bio, Math, English…probably in-major classes too). You can fix this by contacting them early and agreeing to take whatever classes they want over the summer. This was the case with two of my classes, but they didn’t rescind my offer because my overall GPA was still way above a 2.0 and because i took the classes over the summer.</p>

<p>Okay thats pretty good to know stuff thanks. So say (example) I’m in a class at my current school that doesnt transfer at all at VT, would it matter if I passed OR failed it? (Besides effecting my GPA of course.). Just wondering haha</p>

<p>I wouldn’t risk it even if it doesn’t transfer. Ds & Fs for any class is risky business (if you apply to grad school, they might ask for transcripts from all your schools, same goes for scholarships and anywhere you might apply that’s academically related).</p>

<p>so financialost,
did you get below a C in two of your classes and have to retake them over the summer at your school before you went on to transfer to Tech?</p>

<p>Pretty much. One of the admissions staff called me saying that the only reasons my acceptance wasn’t rescinded was because I offered to take the classes over the summer at a community college and because my GPA was over a 2.0 still. I had to make a B or better in the two classes I took at community college, though, and they said that if I didn’t, they would revoke my acceptance even if it was 3 days before classes started.</p>

<p>Bottom line, don’t risk it.</p>

<p>hi financiallylost, </p>

<p>Did you ever need to send in midterm semester grades to tech before they gave you a decision? If so, do you mind if I ask what they were? I received an email on Monday asking to email my midterm grades before they make a decision and I’m a little nervous because I only have one A, four B+'s and one C+ at the moment.</p>

<p>If you do not mind me asking, what was the classes that you had to retake? And what was your GPA at community college?
If things work out as I think they are going to, I will have an A in PSY, B in BIO, C Econ, but I am not sure where my English grade stands.</p>

<p>wishful - No, I was not asked for midterm grades. My school didn’t really give midterm grades, anyway, so it wouldn’t have been possible for all of my classes.</p>

<p>Revoke - I got Bs in the equivalent of Math 1015 and Bio 1006 at CC. I went to a 4 year for the Fall/Spring before i transferred though. I got C-s in both of those classes at the school I went to, so I offered to retake them since it would eventually have to take the classes. The other classes I was taking was a Stat Class (A), Intro to Anthropology (B), and two 300 level sociology classes (C and A). My GPA ended up being a 2.7 something for the semester which was a huge drop from my 3.5 from the fall.</p>

<p>Did you notify them while the semester was going on or once the grades came out?</p>

<p>I talked to them a few times. The first time was probably toward the end of April, then again in May right before grades came out, and right after grades came out. And then Admissions called me in June to confirm my plans and told me about how they would’ve rescinded admission, but didn’t because i planned on taking classes and made over a 2.0</p>