Revoking admission, or anyway not to go to Purdue

<p>Hello People,</p>

<p>Long story short, I'm being pushed into going to Purdue. I know it's a great school and all, but I just don't want to go there.
I can't refuse the offer because that will get me in a lot of trouble, and I may lose financing for college. I'm still not going there even if that was the cost, but i would like it not to be :P.
So I just wanted to ask, is there a way to get my admission revoked without ME rejecting the offer? Or if there's any other ideas you lovely members may have to help me avoid this horrible situation.
I will owe whoever's idea works for life!</p>

<p>Isn’t it kind of late to be doing this? Unless you have another school that you have accepted your admissions offer for, I don’t see how this is a good idea. Not sure if you have registered for classes or not but I guess if you never register for classes, you’re not technically enrolled as a student at Purdue. So with no classes, there is no tuition to be paid and I think Purdue would mail you stuff or call to see if you still want to go there. Not sure though. </p>

<p>If that doesn’t work, I would just be honest with your parents or whoever is pushing you to go to Purdue. If you have no back up plan besides going to Purdue, I would just try Purdue for a semester. Maybe you’ll like it, you never know. College is a thousands of dollars decision so don’t waste anyones time or money by making these decisions so late unless you have a concrete plan in mind.</p>

<p>i would agree with dixie. it doesn’t really look like you have any backup plans for college … so i would suggest trying purdue for a semester. if you really don’t like it, just transfer after that.</p>

<p>I actually do have a plan … I got accepted to a UC campus and I’m pretty determined I’m going there … I’m registering for classes there and everything …
Purdue actually know about that, and said they don’t mind holding my place until everything is figured out …
I wish they can just say i took too long and I don’t have a place anymore…</p>

<p>have you registered at purdue. if you don’t register, they can say that you’re either revoke admission or notify that you have withdrawn. better check with purdue. they can tell you the process better for revoking admission.</p>

<p>I emailed them and that’s what I got …</p>

<p>“I understand you dilemma, however, anything that would cause me to consider revoking your admission would also be a cause for other institutions to do the same. The only viable option you have is to cancel your admission if you do not want to come. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a good day!”</p>

<p>:\ …</p>

<p>If i were you, i would just cancel admission and try to tell your parents that you’re an adult and youre making an adult choice … And thats cool. I also got into some awesome UC’s. Would have rather gone to cali, but couldnt turn down a full ride to purdue versus a UC I couldnt afford.</p>

<p>well, if it was only my parents that would be easy ,
my so-called “sponsors” are the ones making that decision, I can easily get another scholarship but everyone thinks i will be wasting an opportunity by throwing away the old , since it’s a slightly better one, and people assume I would have a better future going with them, somehow …
I’m trying to get the both of both worlds , stay with that “prestigious” scholarship, and go the university of my choice …
:\ …
would telling Purdue I double deposited work ? and is it possible that this would get me in trouble with the other university as well?</p>