Rhodes Scholar Producers

<p>Does anyone have the most recent list of top rhodes scholar producing colleges? the last one I saw was dated 2004, and I can't seem to find an updated list that includes the most recent winners. I have a bet riding on this, so any help is much appreciated! thanks all.</p>

<p>What time period? All time or recent years?</p>

<p>If you want all time, I don’t think much has changed since 2004. H would be at the top of the list.</p>

<p>If you want the past 10 years or so, I have that data at home.</p>

<p>I am looking for the all-time list, but if you have the last 10 years, I can kluge that to my old list in excel and do the math myself. thanks! one would think it would be readily available on rhodestrust.org or thru google, but I’ve been stumped looking for it. much thanks.</p>

<p>I am curious about this too…</p>

<p>I cannot seem to find the information anywhere</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill has 2 Rhodes Scholars this year…</p>

<p>Yes, Chapel Hill has been a prolific Rhodes producer with 43 since the program began, second only to UVA (45) among public schools. In the last 7 years, they’ve had 8 winners. Very impressive indeed.</p>

<p>Here’s the data I promised, for Rhodes production over the past 12 years:</p>

<p>Harvard 36
yale 24
Duke 15
U Chicago 15
Princeton 14
Stanford 14
Brown 9
Wash U 7
Columbia 6
U NC 6
U Georgia 5
Wake Forest 5</p>

<p>Dartmouth, Georgetown, ST. Olaf, Swat, U Wash, U Minn, U VA, U. Penn, USAF, Wellesley, 4 each</p>

<p>Amherst, Boston U, Cornell, CUNY, Emory, FSU, KSU, Northwestern, U Del, U of South, UT Austin, Wheaton, Williams, 3 each</p>

<p>Arizona State, Boston C, Cal Tech, Centre College, CMU, College Wm Mary, CWU, Georgia Tech, Howard, Indiana, JHU, Montana State, Morehouse, Rice, U Alabama, U Kansas, U Mississippi, U New mex, U. Mich, U. Oklahoma, UCLA, Berkeley, 2 each</p>

<p>Augsburg, BYU, Carleton, Colby, Colgate, Colorado Coll, Davidson, Drake, Drew U, Gettysburg, Grinnel, Harvey Mudd, Hendrix, Hobart William Sm, Ina College, Lewis Clark, Loyola MD, Loyola NO, Luther, Macalaster, Messiah Col, Miami U, Millsap, Nebraska Wesleyan, Notre Dame, NYU, Oberlin, occidental Coll, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Penn State, Pitt, Pomona, Reed, Rhodes, Ripon, Santta Clara, St Louis u, Syracuse, Texas AM, Tufts, Tulane, U Ark, U Central Ark, U Central Fl, u Denver, U Fla, U Ill, U Ill Chi, U Miami, U Missouri, U Oregon, U Pitt, U RI, U S Carolina, U Utah, U Wisc Eau Claire, U Wisc Madison, U Wyoming, U. Richmond, USC, Utah State, Vanderbilt, Vassar, VMI, Wabash, Whitman, Yeshiva, 1 each.</p>

<p>Please note that this data is from Rhodes association publications, is for US winners only, and reflects the institution awarding the undergrad degree for that winner.</p>

<p>Many universities count grad students and scholars from other countries in their totals (Canada, India, Jamaica, for example) which I don’t think is fair.</p>

<p>Have fun with the numbers!</p>

<p>thanks so much. you rock!!</p>