Rice Class of 2027 ED Admits stats

This article from the Rice newspaper includes stats and info regarding this year’s ED and Questbridge admits. They had the most ED applicants they’ve ever had this year.


Can a Rice parent remind me how the “admits by school” statistics work? From what I understand, applicants only designate up to three areas of interest. Here are they using the school of whatever interest area the applicant listed first?

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I would assume so. Honestly, I’m not sure why they report it because I didn’t think students were actually admitted to a school, just to Rice as a whole. My daughter’s admission letter said something like “Congratulations on your admission to Rice University Class of 2023.” Nowhere on her letter or any of the documents that came with does it say she was admitted to the school of engineering. Students can change their expected major/school whenever they want. You don’t have to declare a major until towards the end of sophomore year and after that you can just change majors by filling out a form. But I guess it’s interesting data to see and I assume they do want some diversity of majors in their admitted class. There are more admits in business and humanities than last year’s ED cycle.


Hello parents. Congrats to your kids. They will love Rice. Hard to believe my DS#1’s ED email was 19 years ago! That means probably few of this year’s ED admits were even born then!


Thanks @PrdMomto1 !