<p>So it's been like 5 weeks since I requested an interview. My friends already had interviews with Rice alumni, but I haven't yet. Should I:
A) Wait and see what happens
B) Contact the alumni who interviewed my friend and ask him if would interview me
C) Contact the admissions office</p>
<p>Well, during an online admissions chat last week,I addressed my problem to an admissions officer. She said to wait and not contact the admissions office. However, the deadline is coming up in a few days!! AHH! What should i do?</p>
<p>ignore what that lady said and call them again. Tomorrow! There office will be closed starting Wednesday and the new year. And any alumni that is going to do it will probably be busy with their family as well.</p>
<p>Well you are not the only one who hasn’t gotten an interview since your request.</p>
<p>I emailed them about it like a week and a half ago and they said that people in my area might be too busy (and I need to wait a little bit more) or they might not have people available. They said they will contact people in my area about it. Also they said that half the applicants don’t even have interviews. </p>
<p>Btw, I requested an interview about 5 days before the deadline.</p>
<p>I flat out didn’t have an interview… didn’t even think about it. However, I did attend 2 info sessions, 1 at my high school. Is that “interest” enough, or am I probably sunk?</p>