Rice RD 2026

I understand and hope your son gets off the WL!! It’s strange, to us, it seemed like a large and not so quaint campus (but I completely agree it has a lot to offer!). When we asked students about social spirit, a number of them mentioned “state school atmosphere” too. As in a one or the other choice. But that’s not our hope/expectation. We’re comparing it against to 10 SLACs and other T20 universities with strong academics. Maybe we’re just viewing it through a different lens, not sure. I think we need another visit. Good luck to you - it is an impressive place!

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I did hear that with Covid cases rising (and due to increased number beacuse of Beer bike activities the previous week), students and the school was being cautious, which explains the quietness around the campus.

There has been a recent spike in covid cases on campus which caused the administration to prohibit large gatherings and make other changes on campus. https://www.ricethresher.org/article/2022/04/rice-adjusts-policies-in-response-to-covid-surgehttps://www.ricethresher.org/article/2022/04/rice-cancels-remaining-publics-as-covid-cases-surge

I spoke with my D who said that because of the campuswide Beer Bike event, there was a significant COVID spike in cases. Because of Rice’s culture of care, students wanted to make sure they were not spreading COVID, so they stayed out of the common areas in which they ordinarily would be socializing. So you should not take away that this is the norm at Rice. BTW my D is having a fantastic time at Rice and loves the social fabric built through the residential college system. She is also involved in many extracurricular activities like a cappella, club soccer, and ballroom dancing.


That is very good to know!

After 5 emails and a zoom call, I finally got them to remove the forms that were never even needed. It was their error. But I STILL haven’t been given an offer. It’s ludicrous to make me wait this long when my papers were all in by January! This made my decision easy. I struggled before and prayed I would know where I need to go and I guess this is my answer. I refuse to work with a school that may jerk me around like this for four years. I have been treated really well by many others. Best of luck to the rest of you but I’m moving on…

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We are in the same situation. Still no financials or return emails. I am just curious now what the COA would have been?

I am so sorry to hear this! I have never heard of newly admitted students complaining about this before. I wonder if financial aid changed their software system or something? You should let admissions know about your struggles so it’s addressed!

We went on Owl day and also visited the Financial Aid office.
As per the Fin Aid office calculations, my EFC comes to 130K per annum (I think they expect me to sell my hard assets to pay for tuition). That was a bummer for me as a parent. I guess I won’t be able to save a single penny for the next 4 years and plus dip into savings :slight_smile:
My daughter on the other hand had a ok time at the campus. Nothing great as such! I wish they would have let us visit the Serveries and also the Dorms. We were really interested in seeing those.
For the last 3 weeks, she has been talking to multiple people, reddit, seniors to see what would be the right thing to do.
Rice vs. UT Honors
Until yesterday, she was leaning towards Rice (she loves the Residential College system and the Prestige that comes with Rice + the fact that a ton of Rice Pre Meds go to Medical College)
Today she spoke to someone who has actually completed UT Pre Med last year and is admitted to UT Southwestern for Medical school and per his opinion, Rice and UT with Honors is equal and she would be better off at UT and not to mention the Annual Cost dropping to 30K
So we are back at the drawing board.
She is going to also appeal to the Department at Rice to see if they have any Scholarships/Aid available which can bring down the cost from 80K to perhaps 50K.
I hope she is able to decide by the end of this week as this is painful exercise.


As mentioned above there was a covid outbreak on campus that week so they couldn’t let visitors into the serveries/residential colleges. I suspect it impacted Owl Days a bit since campus was quieter than normal. I’ve seen complaints that some of the events were short of students (the activity fair and research fair I think were two I’ve heard this about) and I think the outbreak is probably why. It was unfortunate timing.

Good luck to you in making your decision. It’s not an easy one!

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My daughter was also very concerned about the quiet at Rice when we visited. She is having the same reservations as others mention here. Any further insights?

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There is a discussion about this on a Rice parent Facebook page and it seems that the concerns about the quiet campus are all coming from those who attended the Friday Owl Days. One parent commented they were there on Monday and campus was full of students. I really think the issues on campus were due to the covid outbreak on campus that week. Things were cancelled (parties, gatherings, even some classes were remote) and closed (Coffee House in the RMC which is usually packed). It’s unfortunate timing for those of you trying to get a feel for campus!


Was wondering if you ever received financial aid info? T-2 days and I’m STILL waiting, even though I received an email indicating that it was coming in a couple of days (a week ago). I’ve already accepted another school but did not debt Rice just out of pure curiosity how long they will take to accomplish this? Do they seriously expect someone to accept a school without knowing what they would pay? Lol If this were my top pick then I would be totally freaking out right now. It’s not right.


Daughter committed to Rice! Finally it happened


Mine too! So excited to be an Owl!!

Declined her offers at Georgia tech (CS) and USC, among others. Hope that makes a difference for others on waitlists! Good luck!


DS committed to Rice! Was between Rice, Villanova and Bates (Aid). He’s happy, we’re happy and now Rice is happy! What a nerve-racking process! Another huge factor is the Residential College System. Go Owls!


who didn’t commit?

Any waitlist movement or news?

I spoke to admissions and they said students should start hearing this week. :pray:t3:


they’re accepting students off the waitlist this year? interesting