Rice Short Answer or Essay?

<p>"With the understanding that the choice of academic school you indicated is not binding, explain why you are applying to that particular school of study"</p>

<p>Is this a short answer or a full out 500 word essay? I wrote around 250 words on a unique experience that led me to apply to engineering.</p>

<p>the application says it can be up to 3000 characters, which is usually about 500 words.
but i dont know if they’re really wanting it to be that long
i was hoping to write one that was about 250 words too…</p>

<p>I wrote mine in around 400 words. I know most people have applied with less.</p>

<p>The paper version gives this question the same (or close) amount of lines as the other short answer that reads “limit your response to 200 words”. I would say go for quality…</p>

<p>Not saying that 400 is too much, just going off of what i saw on the paper version of the application</p>

<p>Truthfully, there was no way I could have written mine in less than 400 words… haha</p>


<p>The why Rice essay was the one limited to 200 words, wasn’t it? I didn’t see a word limit on this particular prompt mentioned in the paper version of the Rice supplement…
My own response to the academic interest prompt is about 350.</p>