Rice vs Carnegie Mellon (Business)

Hi everyone, I would appreciate any insight into choosing Rice vs Carnegie Mellon to study undergrad business. Tuition is not a problem. Thank you!

Heads you win. Tails you win.

One is in the North. Cold.

One is in the Texas humidity.

One is more tech focused although has plenty in the arts and sciences and theatre. CM.

THe other is a bit more balances. Rice.

One is long established in business CM - while Rice has a new program but in fairness has long had a graduate B school.

There’s many differences and business has many compoenents.

Look at the schools and curriculums - and decide environmentally and curriculum wise which is best.

Which one is better in jobs, opportunities, and connections?

Whichever one you go to, and work hard to take advantage of the connections and online resources

You all think schools just pass out jobs like Santa Claus on a street corner.

No - you all need to still work hard - via the school’s resources as well as linkedin and indeed.

Find the right school where you’ll enjoy spending four years, day after day.

Good luck.

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CMU’s Tepper school is excellent. Rice’s undergrad B program is less established, though likely still good since it’s Rice.

If I were undecided after considering location, environment, vibe, and cost… I would probably choose Tepper at CMU. The schools are academic peers overall, but I would give the Business edge to CMU.

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Neither is meaningfully better: both have more opportunities than you will ever have time to take advantage of, and what you actually do with those opportunities will be a much, much bigger factor in your outcomes than any difference between them.

I get trying to identify “objective” criteria to help make this decision: it’s likely the biggest decision you have yet had to make, and there has probably been a lot of pressure to achieve throughout HS, in order to get these choices.

However, now you are standing on the big diving board and facing up to the fact that it’s all down to you- all your teachers/friends/family may have opinions, but in the end you are on your own up there.

So here is where you take a deep breath and focus on you- because you will be the one going to that college. CMU and Rice are peers academically- but they are as different as two colleges can be as places to live, work and play. Which one feels like you?? This is a relatively rare moment where you can reasonably choose either path, so following your heart is in fact a perfectly rational, appropriate way to decide.


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