Richmond Scholar Finalist Decisions are in!

<p>Check your email, guys! I nearly passed out! I can't stop using exclamation points!</p>

<p>email or snail mail - haven’t heard anything</p>

<p>Sorry, maybe it’s only for Boatwright Finalists?</p>

<p>Oooh, double post.</p>

<p>I’m an Oldham scholar finalist :DD I got an email.
I’M SO EXCITED TOO!! Not to mention the fact that if i read correctly, i’m getting a complimentary air ticket to the States! Yay that’s providing that i can get a visa in 6 days? :-S</p>

<p>I am a finalist too!!!
Got an e-mail today, after a 6-hour rehersal of school’s musical - just the right kind of energy kick I needed!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, guys. I’m so excited, I hope this means other good things for March… you know, besides getting to fly across the country. This is so cool!</p>

<p>haha if all goes well i’ll get to fly half way across the world! :smiley: Anybody has an idea how many finalists there were/are? I’m thinking that this year there might be a cut in the number of scholars 'cause of the financial crisis.</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you - wonder if all have been notified by now?</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you who’ve received good news! Most of the Richmond Scholar finalists have been notified (at least we’ve SENT e-mails–whether or not they’ve been received and opened is another matter–postal letters have also gone out to domestic finalists but e-mail only if you live outside the U.S.). There are a handful of finalists that are yet to be notified for some internal reasons, but we’re working on notifying everyone who was a semi-finalist with their status by next week as quickly as we can. We know you are all anxious. </p>

<p>These did NOT go out in any kind of batches–all designations have gone out together. </p>

<p>The total pool for Richmond Scholars was just over 4700 students. We selected in the low 500’s for semi-finalists and there will be about 100 finalists (I haven’t had time to check that exact number this morning). We are NOT cutting back on scholarships as a result of the economy. If anything, we know we’ll need to extend ourselves further than usual because many families are having rougher situations. </p>

<p>Those of you who may not have made the finalist round, please know that there is still merit money out there in the form of Presidential Scholarships that are yet to be awarded and of course need-based aid is there as well. If you have not completed your need-based aid applications (US citizens), please do so ASAP. Contact the Financial Aid office if you have questions at 800-700-1662. If you are international, we’re working on aid awards now–if your materials aren’t here, get them here ASAP, but these go to the Admission Office. You’ll be notified in late March/early April about need-based aid, just like the US students. </p>

<p>We appreciate your patience and know how high the stakes are for everyone involved. Best wishes to everyone and again, congrats to the finalists! We’re looking forward to meeting your on campus soon!</p>

<p>UR Admissions</p>

<p>Are students notified if they do not receive finalist status? A rejection email would be nice for some closure.</p>

<p>Yes, all who were semi-finalists will hear something from us. And it won’t be a rejection. I’m sorry if it might feel that way. It is a very competitive process.</p>

<p>wow!! Congrats guys!! thats awsm… im thrilled for all of yall…lol are these EDs or RDs?</p>

<p>I was regular decision.
UR Admissions- since Finalist status includes admission to UR, does that mean I don’t have to send out a midyear report anymore? I haven’t actually had it mailed out yet…</p>

<p>still have not heard anything… wondering what that means???</p>

<p>Most of the finalists applied regular decision, but there are a small number who had applied early and been admitted already. </p>

<p>Even finalists must stilll submit mid-year grades.</p>

<p>so have all of the finalists been notified by now?</p>

<p>We’re still working on it. Thanks for your patience! :)</p>

<p>In another thread, 3boyz mentioned the Presidential Scholarship. UR Admissions, did we need to apply for that? I though all students were considered when they were accepted and that we didn’t have to do a separate application.</p>

<p>All applicants are considered for the Presidential Scholarships.</p>

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