Ridgecrest room numbers

<p>I know the 100’s are on the first floor, 200’s are on the second floor, etc., but does anyone know if the higher-numbered rooms are closer to or farther away from the main entrance? If it matters, I’m mainly looking at RCS. Thanks!</p>

<p>I would also be interested in a map of rooms so son doesn’t end up by basketball court.</p>

<p>Oldest son said ball courts are between n and s towers. Does anyone know if this would be odd or even # rooms in either tower?</p>

<p>My daughter has an even numbered room and faces the street not the courts.</p>

<p>Thanks! Which tower is your daughter in, Sniner?</p>

<p>“Oldest son said ball courts are between n and s towers.”</p>

<p>not true</p>

<p>My D is in North</p>

<p>I seem to remember someone else posting that an odd numbered room in RCS-N faced the courtyard, so that is consistent. </p>

<p>It has always seemed odd to me that there is so much info available for room selection purposes, but nobody seems to be able to to figure out the room numbers. I have seen this question posted many times before and nobody ever seems to know the answer. Not that it’s a huge deal, it just seems weird that we have every last bit of info except that! :)</p>

<p>For security reasons, there are no maps of the door numbers.</p>

<p>My son was in 222 Ridgecrest South North Tower, and the living room window looked out north.</p>

<p>The room numbers flow consecutively down the hallways and are not divided by even on one side and odd on the other in the RCS towers. The basketball court is surrounded by the North tower. The area on the ground floor seen from the lobby between the two towers is a courtyard used by the Community Director and family and is not accessible to students.</p>

<p>Both towers have very similar layouts. As previously mentioned, room numbers are not available by layout for security purposes.</p>

<p>Back to OPs question - if you want a room on the first floor away from the the main entrance, would you want a higher number or a lower number? (i.e. do room numbers start at the main entrance and go up, or start at the end of the hall and go up?)</p>

<p>bamagirls is back! Hi bamagirls, we’ve missed you!</p>

<p>Hey there, class2012mom! :)</p>

<p>I caution all you parents not to put so much worry into the room choice, at least for those of you who need more than one slot in a room. If you spend too many precious seconds analyzing what the choices are, you probably won’t get what you want anyway. Room selection goes lightning quick. I would grab any room that you can and then change later if you have to.</p>

<p>There are no bad rooms - and the rooms that you might consider “best” for whatever reason are probably already taken by the upperclassmen.</p>

<p>^^^Good advice. Because of the layout of the building there are elevators and bathrooms near the entrance to the lobby. The layout and numbering of interior and exterior facing rooms means you’ll find a combination of lower and higher numbered rooms on either side of the lobby within each tower.</p>

<p>Room selection moves very quickly. All of the rooms are nice, so I’d recommend not stressing too much over this.</p>

<p>Thanks for the insightful responses everyone; it’s very much appreciated! I think I’m going to go the safe route and just pick a room quickly.</p>