Ridgecrest South amazing place except

<p>Moved DD into RCS yesterday. The move in was smooth and easy. The building is beautiful. The living area and kitchen in DD’s unit were freshly painted. DD’s room and her roommate’s rooms were a mess. There were nail holes in the walls and the drywall was ripped like posters had been taped up. There are dark smudges in places where past students had hung things. DD is all moved in now but I don’t want to be charged for someone else’s damage. Also the carpet was so filthy that my white socks were black in 1 hour. For $10,000 a year I woul have hoped for at least a clean unit.</p>

<p>Are you in the South or North Tower, just curious as to which floor, because the rooms may have been used over the summer and somehow overlooked for a final cleanup and inspection, say someone moving out late.</p>

<p>I would schedule an RA to take a look at the room and note any damages, then make a request to housing to followup if any repairs are needed.</p>

<p>Your daughter can document the damages on her room assessment. The RA’s will hand them out over the next couple of days at their floor meeting. In the meantime, she can submit a work order online for the needed repairs.</p>

<p>the room is great, but my mom said the building smelled like a hospital??</p>

<p>probably disinfectant…it won’t smell that way for long :)</p>

<p>better than smelling like BO and stinky feet!</p>

<p>Son is in north tower. Our room looked clean to the eye - if you didn’t look closely. Moved the couch to find probably half a bag mix of pretzels and Gardettos. Vacummed my son’s room and got more than a cup of scuzzy gray stuff. But it wasn’t any worse than what I expected.</p>

<p>We did some cleaning too, but not as much as you needed to. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Definitely have the RA note (and give you a copy) of any damages that were there when you moved in. And, SAVE that copy!</p>

<p>We moved D into Ridgecrest West today. I’d say the cleaning that was done to prepare the suite for the new occupants was less than stellar. I found pieces of a poptart and some popcorn under the sofa in the living room, and there was already chewed chewing gum ground into the rug in D’s bedroom. However, it’s a beautiful dorm with an amazing amount of space, and it was nothing some vacuuming and scrubbing couldn’t take care of. It would have been nicer to move into a pristine suite, but in the scheme of things it wasn’t a big deal.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. The girls took care of everything themselves and reported damages to the RA. I was more upset than they were. So I guess that’s what’s important</p>

<p>For some reason, cleaning and housing just do not seem to go together.</p>

<p>Last August when my son and his roommates moved into the Bluff, the place was a disaster. Bags of trash in the entrance way. The floors and carpets were stained and dirty. The bathrooms were not clean. Nothing was cleaned. It smelled from the trash. My son’s roommate got on the phone and complained several times about this. </p>

<p>This year, they moved into the same apartment, and guess what? The place was not clean. This time, my son’s roommate’s mom came down and brought a carpet cleaner. She cleaned the carpets! Fortunately, no one lived in my son’s room during the summer, so it was clean. </p>

<p>I realize there are lots and lots of students at Bama, but you would think that the school would take a little more pride in cleaning to prepare for the arrival of its students.</p>

<p>Well, I am a huge believer in the e-mail/phone call notification route. Contact housing and let them know your concerns and problems. If housing is not aware of these issues then they cannot resolve them.</p>

<p>Housing and Residential Communities | Box 870399 | Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 | (888) 498-BAMA or (205)348-6676
Email: <a href=“mailto:housing@sa.ua.edu”>housing@sa.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>I agree robotbldmom! They may assume that since no one complains, the job is being done and all is good. I’m sure they don’t go around checking each room to make sure whoever is being paid to clean is actually doing their job.</p>

<p>We vacuumed my son’s suite in RCS-N thoroughly yesterday afternoon. This morning you could see dust and “stuff” on the floor. I think it’s just dusty by nature - perhaps because of the carpet square backing or the forced air system or ?? Either our boys will build up muscle power pushing the vacuum daily or it will be a pigsty. Whichever, they are the ones living in it.</p>

<p>Also, “clean” means different things to different people, as those of us with teens know. :)</p>

<p>Sure, dust from a particular carpet type is normal. Damaged walls and half eaten bags of food under the couch is not. Some rooms probably did not get complete cleanings and that is unacceptable.</p>

<p>I would take pictures of everything, contact Housing and LOUDLY complain. </p>

<p>Perhaps the cc person UAHousing needs a PM and a link to this thread. </p>

<p>I realize that the dorms were used over the summer for Bama Bounds, Music/Band/Science/Business camps, but that’s no excuse!</p>

<p>We have a particularly “tight” “energy efficient” house which leads to A LOT of dust bunnies…</p>

<p>I have placed Hamilton Beach Air Purifiers in discrete corners of major rooms and ALL the bedrooms, and they ARE WONDERFUL!!! They practically eliminate the dust bunnies AND they cut down on pet dander/allergy problems.</p>

<p>We each find that the white sound and air movement provided by these air purifiers are soothing as well.</p>

<p>I intend to send DD off to 'BAMA with two: one for her room and one for the shared space. They should really cut down on the need for daily vacuming.</p>

<p>The models we own have the additional UV lights which kill airbourne viruses…a plus in a communal environment.</p>

<p>we purchased an air purifier for DS dorm room. One with a bacterial filter as well. Would like to have gotten a UV light one, but did not find one at the Target we were at when I thought about it!!</p>