Ridgecrest South: North or South Tower?

My roommates and I are definitely living in RCS next year but are trying to decide between the North or South tower.
Does anyone have any information about the two towers or opinions?
Also, what floors are best at RCS?
Any advice or tips are welcome!!

The dorms are mirror images of one another, virtually identical. When selecting floors, you have to decide if you want to live on a floor with the kitchens and laundry or not. Then decide if you want near the elevators or not. A couple of notes: 1) in room selection, not a lot of kids recognize there is a north tower, so its slower to fill up; 2) the north tower interior courtyard has the basketball court so its noisier and there are lights on the court all night. you might want to select an outside room in North Tower 3) some people have reported internet wireless issues with the far rooms

Remember, unless you have the first selection time the first day, there are no guarantees for a 4 person group to get into RCS. You should be okay thru the first day of selection, but select quickly.

This is great info!!! Thank you!!

DD1 lived in South Tower and DD2 lived in North Tower. They both lived on the 2nd floor of each tower and in an outside room. The only differences were where the columns were located in the bedrooms. One did not have a column and the other had an oddly placed column, but this changes for every room regardless of the tower or floor.