Ridiculous Fin Aid

<p>Wow… i just received my fin aid package today and they expect my parents to take out 15,000 worth of loans… or else pay it out of pocket. that’s b.s.
considering that these loans are like 1/3 of my fam’s yearly income </p>

<p>Oh, well—I guess Arizona is officially off my list. </p>

<p>the bright side is that there is one less school to decide on.</p>

<p>Same here, Hopefully. Except its $23k in loans expected from my parents. Too bad... i was hoping for at least work study, but didn't get that either. Good luck wherever you end up</p>

<p>hope this doesnt happen to me :-(</p>

<p>Are you both out of state?</p>

<p>I'm an OOS Male and I got my financial aid package today and they said i'l be paying $31,000 total for everything (tuition, dorm, food, books/supplies, travel, additional expenses). which is pretty decent.</p>

<p>yes, OOS. I forgot about that? is that a big factor?</p>

<p>Well, yeah. Us in-staters get tons more aid...</p>

<p>in staters are ridiculously lucky at u of a: much cheaper tuition, more scholarships, more aid, more everything</p>

<p>In-staters are "ridiculously lucky"? </p>

<p>Let's be fair and consider the reason why the in-staters pay less tuition and get more aid -- because their parents, as State TAXPAYERS, are paying for the school in other ways.</p>

<p>I'm sure that you would receive preferential treatment at your own state schools.</p>

<p>I'm OOS and got the financial aid package and I thought it was a bit ridiculous too
But I have a $20,000 a year scholarship so it's all good. :D</p>

<p>about how long after you received your acceptance packet did you receive the financial aid letter?</p>

<p>Great Question Soccergalsam...I was wondering the exact same thing.I haven't received my financial aid letter yet.....still waiting...</p>

<p>Do you have to of filled out the FAFSA to get the financial aid stuff you all are talking about or is it automatically sent?</p>

<p>serpentine if you don't mind me asking, what scholarship did you receive? was it for national merit?</p>

Do you have to of filled out the FAFSA to get the financial aid stuff you all are talking about or is it automatically sent?

You have to fill out FAFSA for financial aid. Without it the school has no idea of your financial need.</p>

<p>national hispanic</p>

<p>oh ok, cool. Congrats!</p>

<p>serpentine: did you receive a letter about the nat'l hispanic scholarship after or with your acceptance? also, when did you receive acceptance? </p>


<p>Seriously... I find the FAFSA thing to be an absolute joke. I filled it out and according to the government, my parents should be able to afford all but $74.00 dollars a YEAR! Looks like I'll be taking out $16,000 worth of loans this year. If your parents make over $100,000/year, count on getting absolutely nothing!</p>

<p>I mean, if someone's parents make over or even anywhere near 100,000 a year they should'nt be filling out the FAFSA anyways since they should be able to pay all but $74.00 a year, and probably a little more. I dont know if you were making a joke or were being serious because $100,000 a year is alot of money.</p>