Right Forum? Learning Dis Assistance...

<p>DS1 was diagnosed with Dysgraphia in 4th grade - rec'd assistance with dyslexia counselor at public school on 504 through 5th grade. Moved to private school in 6th grade and he didn't want to be segregated so he abandoned special counseling and accomodations and learned to 'deal with it' as bad as his writing is. This was his choice and we agreed as long as his grades didn't suffer (he made mainly A's with some B's in AP and Honors classes, depending on the amount of writing involved with tests, etc.). In any case, my question is this: he has scored so well on his standardized tests that his principal remarked that he didn't understand why DS isn't valedictorian of the class (son is somewhere in top 25%). I am now concerned that colleges may wonder why DS1's grades don't match up with his standardized test scores and think he's a slacker. I do want to mention that his writing scores on the standardized tests show a definite difference in his skills there since he was in 97% on MC scores but only earned a 7 on the essay for SAT, 8 on essay for ACT. He is truly a gifted child (IQ tests prove plus even with a LD he scored in 71% for his writing score on SAT), he just can't get his thoughts down on paper the way he would like.</p>

<p>Should he mention the LD on his college applications in an effort to assist with any impression that admissions may have over the diff in his GPA and his standardized scores? Even if he hasn't used his 504 in 6 years? And, what are your thoughts on whether he should go for testing to reinstate his 504 status for college?</p>

<p>Sorry for the long post, but I appreciate any assistance!</p>

<p>I suggest you post on the Learning Differences and Challenges Forum. Go to the Discussion Home page and look for it under "pre-college issues." I think you will find a number of related threads and questions and will probably get excellent feed-back. You may also wish to use the "Stats Eval" service here on CC and pose the question to them. In our case, we received a response not only indicating S's admission chances at the colleges he was interested in, but advice that in light of his particular grades and scores reference to his ADD was probably not warranted.</p>

<p>^^Thanks, I've moved it to the LD forum with the hopes of getting some additional assistance!! I may try the "stats eval" service, also!</p>