Rigor of Seminar Classes

<p>hey, i got placed into Freedom, a seminar class under the poly sci dept, and i just wanted to know how rigorous it is, because i also plan on taking econ 110, chem 33, math 18, and engin3…so i would like to know if i’d be able to handle the work load…or if its just simply too hard! thanks</p>

<p>whoa, slow down there buddy</p>

<p>first of all, i highly highly, highly.... highly highly recommend that you DO NOT take more than 4 classes your first semester at brown. you have no idea how much work a college class is, let alone the classes you plan on taking (chem 33 alone, if i'm not mistaken, has been known to be a tougher than thou course). your first semester at brown is about discovery, and that is NOT only academic - it is also (if not, mainly -- sorry parents out there in CC land) about social and extracurricular. taking 5 courses, for the sake of taking 5 courses, will effectively ruin your opportunities outside of class/studies to do what college is mainly about - growing as a person. you have 4 years - try 4 classes first, then see how you can do with 5 - some even opt for 3.</p>

<p>now, your original question - i have no idea what this specific course is in poly sci, but i can assure you that seminars are usually much more difficult than large classes - and that's because you actually have to do the reading and the work for seminars (capped at 20, mostly). poly sci will be a tonnnn of reading (any humanities would be), and a seminar, wowza</p>

<p>anyway, i hope you take this message as a warning, but by no means as a command. some people do very well with 5 courses their first semester, and lead very "normal" lives - but the majority of brown students advise against it, and you would be very wise to drop one of your 5 courses down to 4 -- if i were u, i'd drop engin3 or chem 33, depending on your specific major (if ur engineering, i can't help you there - that's a totally different world i'm not aware of)</p>

<p>good luck!</p>