Rigor of Seminar Classes

<p>hey, i got placed into Freedom, a seminar class under the poly sci dept, and i just wanted to know how rigorous it is, because i also plan on taking econ 110, chem 33, math 18, and engin3…so i would like to know if i’d be able to handle the work load…or if its just simply too hard! thanks</p>

<p>From what I recall about that particular FYS, you should be fine. Realize you'll have shopping period and plenty of time to add/drop if it doesn't work out after a couple of weeks anyway.</p>

<p>Ahh I wanted Freedom, but I got the nanotech course.</p>

<p>Wow, other than your Freedom and Econ class, your schedule looks like HELL to me. haha. Freshman can take 5 classes? Ah, I wouldn't if I could anyway. Have fun.</p>

<p>Yes you can take five classes as a freshman, though generally I personally strongly recommend against it.</p>

<p>Freedom sounds like a very interesting class. I got into "Idea of the Self". Totally excited!</p>

<p>honestly, there's no hurry to take the other 4 classes you listed, all in your first freshman semester. if you drop one or more, you might enjoy life at brown abit more :)</p>