<p>AP US History
AP English 11
AP Statistics
Honors Precalc
Honors Physics
Photo 1
also, I took Junior Spanish sophomore yr, so I'll be taking AP Spanish next year, along with AP English 12, AP Euro, AP Art History or Photo 2, AP Bio, AP Calc</p>
<p>I dunno...I feel like I'm slacking, but I just dropped AP Bio and took up photo because the work was too much...I'll take it next year...maybe I should self-study an easy AP? Recommendations?</p>
<p>Also, I'm planning on taking the SATs twice this year and three SAT IIs (Math 2, US History, Lit), going to driving school, taking SAT test prep classes (only once a week but 5 hrs), volunteering at the Red Cross 4 hours a week, while being in:
Red Cross Youth Corps
a page editor for the school newspaper
possibly an editor for the literary magazine
President of Model UN
in Debate and Junior Achievement</p>
<p>I felt like AP Bio would be too too much.</p>
<p>also...most hard-working Juniors (top 25%) take 2 APs, some take 3, about 20 or so take 4, but they usually stress out a lot. No junior ever takes more than 4.</p>
<p>I think it varies with each school. AP Bio and APUS are 2 of the hardest AP classes you can take. I took only 2 APs my junior year, but I did well in them so I figured quantity didn't matter so much. I think your schedule is fine, and even better if you get all As.</p>
<p>Ok, I'll put it this way, if we take AP Chem, AP English, and AP Calculus then APUSH is harder than all of them taken together. In my school, that is.
Personal experience from first week of school :)</p>
<p>I agree with chipset. AP USH is very difficult, especially for those who don't like reading like 15 pages of history a night. Also Masterus, AP Bio is not an easy class by any means...and I completely disagree with you on most juniors taking more than 4 AP classes. Most juniors at my school don't take a single AP class.</p>
<p>disagree. AP Euro is the mother of all AP hist.
drop AP stats and take calc (bc. ab is way too easy). stats is a joke. I have perfect in that class and i don't even have a book (there's a shortage).
I agree that AP bio is hard. its a hard class but its harder for me because i'm taking it w/ chem.</p>
<p>AP Bio isn't that hard, but it definetly isn't easy. Hardest in my school is probably AP PHysics or AP Chem. Your courseload is fine btw. Top juniors in my grade take 5 AP classes (About 5-7 people), and the rest take 4 (About 15 including those 5-7). </p>
<p>Basically only the top 5% of my class takes 4 or more AP's :P</p>
<p>My advice is not to ask these kinds of questions because there is no answer. There's no formula for getting into any college, so you just have to do what you want to do and what you think is best for you. </p>
<p>I say this because I see people are saying "5-7," whereas in my school the max you can take in Junior Year is 2. Last year 5 kids from my school, out of 100, got into Harvard. Some of them only took one AP Junior year. I'm sure it goes the other way around, people who have taken 7 AP's haven't gotten into top schools. So as long as you don't think you're slacking, you shouldn't be worried about the rigor of your schedule. Especially in junior year, it's too early to start obsessing about colleges. Not that you ever really want to start obsessing.</p>
<p>oh nevermind. I took up AP bio again...I hated the extra time (study hall) and photo is already pretty time-consuming. might as well put that time into bio.</p>