<p>gpa-4.12 out of 4
ive taken weird science classes at school like
dna, quantum physics, bionanotechnology
and things like ap bio, ap calc bc, ap physics c, ap stat, apush, ap span lang, ap psych,
and gotten all 5s..
next year im taking multivar and linear algebra, ap chem, organic chem, computational physics, ap gov, ap eng
i think the schedule is my strong part</p>
<p>sat i-2290, reading-760, math-770, writing-760....i think i couldve done better so im retaking in oct
sat ii
math 2-800
<p>taekwondo-7 years....3-degree black belt....and judging certificates.... as well as many hours helping my instructor teach others
also for taekwondo i got 3rd at internationals and 1st at nationals but that was in ms....will colleges consider this? </p>
<p>bio olympiad semifinalist for 2 years
ocean bowl, 2nd, 3rd place at chesapeake bowl
im doing an internship at gmu about genomics
future problem solving..2nd, 3rd place at states...9th at internationals
aime qualifier...like everyone else
i study independently a lot... ive taught myself multivar and stat
ohh and i taught myself to write in russian...ya im russian but i was terrrible at speaking/writing
and i taught myself to play the piano and i compose music for fun
anyway i think my extracurriculars are pretty weak....my only leader positions are at taekwondo</p>
<p>im thinking of applying to
caltech, princeton, mit, duke or cornell, harvey mudd, uchicago, uva, </p>
<p>i think i can get into uva- in-state, hmu, what about others?
....hoping for caltech? </p>
<p>can anyone recommend me some other schools....i mostly like math/physics/bio</p>