RiSD applicants!!! I have a question for ya

<p>Is the application due at RisD by Feb. 15th, or does it have to be only postmarked by Feb. 15?</p>

<p>I’m not a recent applicant (I applied in '07) but I had the same question and this was their response:</p>

<p>“The deadline is not a postmark deadline. All materials should be in our office by the 15th, but if you need a few extra days – we will be filing for 7-10 days after the 15th.”</p>

<p>It may be different now but I actually sent my portfolio/application on the 15th (!) and it probably arrived there about a week after. They still reviewed my work. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend you doing this so close to the deadline. If you can send it now, send it now…</p>

<p>I called today and they said they are accepting portfolios until the 20th.</p>