<p>who’s applying for 2009?</p>
<p>ME! We’re all in this together! We’ll work our butts of until next year comes!</p>
<p>blah! i have no chance at brown T_T RISD maybe. </p>
<p>what RISD major are you guys going for?</p>
<p>illustration also!</p>
<p>Daughter just noticed that on the Common App, the Brown-RISD supplement is the one document that can’t be uploaded. I guess we’ll need to fedex that one (or two)-pager to Brown on Monday, while she wraps up the rest of the online app between now and January 1. Has anyone else run into this?</p>
<p>good luck you’re gonna need it…</p>
<p>Hello. I want to do graphic design at RISD and environmental at Brown.</p>
<p>austinhills, that is exactly what you do. Finish the app online and send the one (or two, if you want to write your response on another piece of paper) paged Brown/RISD supplement to Brown (and to RISD, when you are applying there!).</p>
<p>Thanks, entangled - appreciate your response. </p>
<p>Maybe having to mail that was a blessing in disguise. D figured that if she had to mail in something anyway to Brown, she might as well mail in an Arts Supplement as well, which she wasn’t planning on doing just the day before. (She was just going to let RISD be the judge of her portfolio.) </p>
<p>I have no idea if that’s what other Dual Degree applicants are doing, but hopefully, it won’t hurt her chances at Brown and will only help. Either way, the supplement is in the mail now…</p>
<p>Just wondering if your kids got in. Mine did last year and she absolutely loves the program. Has had to work extremely hard, however. RISD students tie MIT students for workload.</p>
<p>D1 got into RISD, but was waitlisted at Brown. So no dual degree program for her, which had been her dream. She has about another week to choose among RISD, Wash U and CMU, primarily. Congrats to your daughter, though… that’s wonderful that she is in that inaugural class.</p>
<p>Does anyone know how much RISD students can partake of the Brown “experience”? I think I read somewhere that RISD students can take 4-6 classes at Brown to satisfy RISD liberal arts requirements. Can RISD students join Brown clubs? D is very interested in maintaining her Spanish and would like to either take Spanish classes or join a Spanish-speaking club. </p>
<p>And can RISD students hang out with Hermione? :)</p>
<p>RISD students can take 4 classes at Brown and can join our clubs/social stuff, though the social stuff is less common. There aren’t troves of RISD students taking part in Brown clubs unless they have a really specific interest-- like working on the formula SAE car or coming to services at Hillel, etc.</p>
<p>Your daughter is really choosing between having an intensive art school experience or not. There’s a huge difference between RISD and her other choices. She really needs to think about the benefits and drawbacks of an intensive art education.</p>
<p>Thanks for your reply, modestmelody. Yes, there’s a huge difference between the environments of her other choices (universities vs. an art school), but perhaps not quite SO huge a difference in the curriculums for communication/graphic design/illustration majors. CMU’s School of Design considers its competition to be Wash U, RISD, Syracuse, UMich, RIT and a couple of others, and has a “soul-sucking” difficult first year of foundations, as I understand it. Wash U’s College of Fine Arts has a foundations year that mimics RISD’s (2D Design, 3D Design, Drawing + one or two liberal arts classes) and in later years I’ve read that there can be some difficulty scheduling non-CFA classes with CFA classes because many CFA classes are half-day or full-day studios, similar to RISD’s. But yes, earning a BFA from these schools would be vastly different in many ways.</p>
<p>I guess she needs to decide if she wants to be a creative-leaning person among fellow academic students (Wash U), or an academic-leaning person among fellow creative students (RISD). </p>
<p>Going back to my last post… Is there some sort of Spanish-speaking club at Brown or a Spanish radio station in Providence or something? </p>
<p>Thanks for all your help. I don’t post a lot, but I often read others’ posts, and I know you contribute so much to this Brown board…</p>
<p>I have a D in Brown risd DD (freshman) and also would like to know the Spanish resources available over there. Please, let me know what you found out
By the way, I get the impression we are “neighbors”…</p>
<p>houstonmom-- here is the link to the Hispanic Studies department, if that is what you are asking about:</p>
<p>[Hispanic</a> Studies at Brown University: Home](<a href=“Hispanic Studies | Brown University”>Hispanic Studies | Brown University)</p>