RISD Pre College Program?

<p>I'd really like to go, unfortunately I don't have any money, I hear they offer partial and full scholarships. I would of course need a full scholarship. What do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>I'm in 11th grade, currently have a 3.88 weighted GPA, a core GPA around a 3.46 (strictly academic courses and no weighting)</p>

<p>Here is my 250 word statment:</p>

<p>For the past few years I’ve been blindly working hard toward an abstract concept of success. I didn’t know what success would be, but I continued in the hopes that I would be enlightened soon; hopefully before I gave up due to exhaustion. I needed something to revitalize my determination and passion to work hard. This revelation came to me shortly after attending National Portfolio Day, while I always knew I was passionate about art, attending the event helped me to realize what success was to me. I knew that art is what I wanted to do, and that I would do anything to achieve that dream. I think attending your program will help me achieve that dream by helping me improve as an artist and a person. While the monetary expense is intimidating, I am determined to attend and succeed in your program, because now I know what I’m working towards, which is to attend your school and do what I love. I will throw myself into your program like I have done with nothing else, and I will succeed if you allow me the opportunity. I will bring my point of view about life, art, and society, as well as my passion, determination and overall tendency to go against the gradient, following what I believe is right, to your program. If you give me a chance, I will return the favor.</p>

<p>And the 5 pieces I'm considering to submit:
<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/...3e1536754e.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/...3e1536754e.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3485/...42998cda9d.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3485/...42998cda9d.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3110/...b737db83_o.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3110/...b737db83_o.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3459/...d2f34b90_m.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3459/...d2f34b90_m.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3298/...90a22dd1_o.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3298/...90a22dd1_o.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for any feedback.</p>

<p>Here is some other works if you think any of them would be better then the ones I selected:
[url=<a href="http://flickr.com/photos/8382191@N07/sets/72157613155406686/show/%5DArtwork%5B/url"&gt;http://flickr.com/photos/8382191@N07/sets/72157613155406686/show/]Artwork[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>Are you sure that there are full scholarships available for the pre-college program? If so, that’s something new this year, as they have only given partial – and relatively small – scholarships in the past. </p>

<p>I hope you get what you need, as RISD’s pre-college program is just an incredible experience. Good luck!</p>

<p>I also feel the same way. The tution is extremely high and I know my family could barely affoard for me to go to a school with a $1,000 tution. I’m also going to try for a scholarship to it, and only go if I get one.
I would encourage you to talk to a counselor about local scholarships for such programs. I plan on applying for a $3,000 one that is for any trade school program.</p>

<p>That’s a good idea. I’ll check it out. Hopefully we will both be able to go :slight_smile: In a perfect world maybe so…</p>

<p>Have you looked at other schools?
If I don’t get the full scholarship to RISD, but I do get the independent scholarship, I may try to go to Pratt. I believe tution and boarding is roughly $3,000. There’s also a school in Denver, RMCAD, if you wanted to go west. I believe it’s around $4,000.</p>

<p>yes. they do give full scholarship. Depends on your need, Portfolio and merit. And recommendations. This was my portfolio. This year. I can PM you the link. ( No guarantee though, that your teacher’s will be RISD teachers. At MICA actual MICA teachers teach the pre-college courses, but it’s much smaller. )</p>

<p>So, it’s been a year since you posted this, lediscoinsanity. What ended up happening? Did you get the scholarship and attend the RISD Pre-College Program?</p>

<p>My friend who went last year loved it, my art teacher raves about it, and I was just wondering what your thoughts were and if you have any advice. I’m in the application process now, and plan to “major” in ceramics. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.</p>

<p>Hey featherr, i plan on doing ceramics also!
I also put down textile design and jewelry. does any one know what these “majors” are like and what the workload is?</p>

<p>Also for people who do not need scholarship, are they just automatically put in if there is room?</p>

<p>i did it two years ago, i did darkroom photo as a major. the work load is intense for everyone but it is totally worth it. i pulled maybe 5+ all nighters? but that might be a bit high. by the end of the 6 weeks most people were completely sleep deprived and delirious, but ive stayed friends with a lot of people and see people multiple times per month. it was a ton of fun and it really gets you in shape for art school/no high school project will ever seem impossible after risd pre-college.</p>

<p>Hey decemberist29, that’s awesome, hopefully we’ll both get in! My second and third choices were digital photography and jewelry. My friend who went last year and majored in digital photography said the workload was waaaay intense, but the people there make up for all the work. She made some really great friends there that she’s still close with. Also, the program is what made her decide to go to art school.</p>

<p>(Completely unrelated, but are you a fan of the Decemberists? Because I love them! Saw them last summer at the Newport Folk Festival, they’re so good, haha.)</p>

<p>Part of the reason I am doing this is to see if I want to go to art school. Also if i do want to go to art school, I need more pieces.</p>

<p>yeah, i do love the decemberists.</p>

<p>anyone who have done the pre-college Industrial Design program? Any inputs? How important the skills in drawing in this major?</p>

<p>My son did the RISD pre-college program in ID back in the summer of 2004. He had absolutely NO art background before arriving at RISD (other than a very basic one-semester Intro to Fine Arts class required by his high school for all freshmen). He had never been interested in drawing at all, so he found that spending one entire day each week doing nothing but drawing was a real challenge for him. He really loved the pre-college program, but sort of dreaded the drawing days; they were certainly his least favorite part of that summer. He did learn a lot from the experience though – and apparently it was enough, because his portfolio was accepted by the top design schools he later applied to.</p>

<p>My son graduated from RISD in 2009 with an ID major. During the Foundation Year there, he learned to do quick sketches quite easily, which is something that industrial designers absolutely have to be able to do. But his drawings will never, ever reach the level of the “gallery quality” drawings that the painting and illustration majors all seem to be able to turn out.</p>

<p>I run a private school in New York city where we focus on helping young people to prepare portfolios for college. We have lots of students who get into major art schools, and most get scholarships. As opposed to RISD pre-college program which is only in the summer, ours is year round. The classes are on Saturday and Sunday. Check it out <a href=“http://www.academicart.com/college.htm[/url]”>www.academicart.com/college.htm</a>
Here is student work from last semester <a href=“http://www.academicart.com/blog.htm[/url]”>www.academicart.com/blog.htm</a></p>