<p>I've been accepted at all of these schools and am having a terrible time making a decision on where to go. RISD definately has a reputation unmatched by other art schools, however I'm not convinced that that is enough. The facilities at RISD seem to be lacking and there is much more of a focus on art rather than the comercial/business aspects of the art world that are vital to a career. RIT no doubt has great facilites and a great program ...but it's Rochester. Ehhh. And people there sound unfriendly and weird. SVA is smack dab in the middle of manhattan. By far the most fun location, plus it's in the middle of the photo universe which would no doubt be great. Facilities there seem good to. Not as great as RIT, but good nonetheless. </p>
<p>Any advice/tips on where to go or anymore information?</p>
<p>You're help is appreciated</p>
<p>Congratulations on your acceptances! They are all great.
Your assessment of each is very much on target, imo. RISD’s photo facilities are minimal – there are about 40ish students in the program. SVA’s are fantastic – extensive, up-to-date, an entire building devoted to them. 500+ students in that photo program. Connections and internships from SVA are very strong, especially if you are in the honors program at SVA, which offers a mentor program in the junior or senior year where you work with well-known professionals side by side culminating in a joint show (people like Cindy Sherman). SVA puts a lot into its photo program, but I don’t know if that is true at RISD. RISD will give you universal name recognition, but not as good a concentration in photo as SVA or RIT. If you are 100% sure that photo is for you and that is what you want to do, then SVA or RIT would be the better choices. If you are not sure, RISD will offer you photo and so much more (plus the advantages of Brown and its campus and classes). But you will not start photo there til after your foundation year. Both SVA and RISD are in fantastic locations, depending upon the type of person you are and where you want to be and lifestyle you are looking for. RIT’s photo program is excellent, but I agree, it’s Rochester – again, lifestyle.</p>
<p>Thank you! Your reply is very helpful! However I’m still unsure I want to turn down my acceptance at RISD. Its reputation is unmatched. It’s ranked the best of the best.</p>
<p>Any more thoughts/opinions/suggestions would be great!</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>bump… sorry for being so persistent. I just have to make a decision soon and it’s such a hard choice</p>
<p>You are right that RISD carries a reputation and cache that is impressive. It’s in a great location with a lot of students. Ultimately, a degree from RISD will be prestigious and, in the end, any school will be what you make of it. An advantage of the small sized photo program at RISD is that you will get personal attention and have a strong connection with the department. Are you interested in other art disciplines besides photo? Because RISD will be giving you the traditional foundation year and if you are not interested in that, it will be a very long year. On the other hand, if you are interested in other disciplines or are open to expanding your artistic palette (pun intended) – then it might be a very good choice for you. You will make connections with the professional world no matter where you go and your summer internships and portfolio will ultimately speak for you. Based on the little I know about you, if you were my S or D, I would recommend RISD. Let us know what you decide (or if you have any other questions).</p>
<p>from those schools - everything I have found would point to SVA.
My daughter looked through all the east coast schools last year and we visited all the ones you mentioned and more. Of those 3 you mentioned, we were most impressed in an overall sense with SVA. Not just the program and facilities but also the faculty and opportunities.
I would have been very happy for my girl to go there, but in the end she ended up choosing a small private college in Virginia instead. A completely different kind of experience that we questioned at first. But she has been very pleased with the choice, and I am starting to see the benefits of a smaller school as as parent also. Small schools are definitely not for everyone, but for us it ended up being the right option. [-</a> King College Photo - 4 year degree including photo, video, web, media and design](<a href=“http://www.KingCollegePhoto.com%5D-”>http://www.KingCollegePhoto.com)
Good luck, and congratulations.</p>
<p>thank you two very very much! these last couple days I’ve been leaning more towards SVA than RISD, however i plan on calling the admissions office of each school and asking them why i should go there over the other school and what gives them the edge. hopefully this will end my decision making process.</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>Great idea! I will say that SVA’s facilities are head and shoulders over RISD’s for photography. You will go directly into photo at SVA but do a traditional foundation year at RISD. What do you want to do? SVA DOES have a great reputation, but regionally. RISD is more well-known. I know I’m not helping
Again, let us know what you decide!</p>
<p>My friend’s daughter is a junior attending RIT for photography and LOVES it. Friend says they have a strong network of photographers who’ve graduated from the school who are dedicated to employing RIT graduates.</p>
<p>I’ve decided on SVA!! I faxed my deposite yesterday, so it’s official. I’m so excited and nervous! Thanks for all of your help!</p>
<p>Congratulations on your decision! NYC is the such a great place to be – you will have a great experience I’m sure.</p>