<p>Hey guys, I'm only going to be a junior this fall, but I'm hoping to get some insight on what I can expect come fall of my senior year! I really like Georgetown, especially because of its DC Location which is top-of-the-line for politics, which would be my study.. Anyway, I really slacked off my sophomore year (imo), so I'm hoping that if I can pull everything up significantly this year, the upward trend in my GPA will help as well!</p>
<p>SAT- CR 620 WR 610 MA 600 ---- Kinda weak, but I took them my first time w/o studying.. obviously going to retake with more preperation.</p>
<p>GPA- This is where I'm nervous, Freshmen was 3.4 and sophomore brought it down to a 3.1 .... I'm praying that doing really well this year will take it up and show improvement</p>
<p>APUSH- 4 (Sophomore year)</p>
<p>Junior Schedule - AP Government US AP French Lang AP English Lang Honors American Law studies Honors Chem College Calc</p>
<p>EC: I'm hoping for this to be my strongest area</p>
<p>Class President 3 years , hopefully 4 :)
Professional Skier (PSIA Level 1 Alpine)
Regional SkiCross Champion
Violin, taught myself piano
Write monthly article for local paper regarding youth politics</p>
<p>I REALLY love politics, so i'm hoping that my genuine interest in studying in DC will also help.</p>
<p>So what do you think!!!!?!? Thanks so much!</p>
<p>I usually tend to stick with the usual formula that GPA is about 50% of your application, SATs are 25%, and Essays and Extracurriculars is the remaining 25%. Of course, this isn’t a strict formula, and surely one area can make up some of the faults of another, but suffice it to say that your SAT score is below the 25th percentile and your GPA is even more painfully low. You must not just “show improvement” in your GPA (e.g. 3.1 to 3.8), you really have to study your ass off and get somewhere above a 4.0!</p>
<p>Your status as pro skier is a fantastic hook, but since Georgetown has no ski team who could recruit you, it really won’t give you as much pull as, say, a recruited basketball player would. Your ECs are top-notch, but unless you had some extremely significant extenuating circumstances that would hinder your grade (family tragedy, poverty, disability, etc.), it really can’t make up for all of it. Saying “oh, my grades and SATs are pretty low because I’m a star athlete and have all these wonderful activities” is not really acceptable, universities would much rather see someone whose grades are stellar even with a bunch of activities.</p>
<p>Sorry if I might have depressed you a bit, but I’m just stating my opinion. You’re still pretty young in your high school career, you’ve got plenty of time to make it up. I hope this motivates you to get that 4.0+ GPA that you almost need (I say almost because others have gotten into Georgetown without having achieved a 4.0+ GPA). By the way, how did you get into NHS with such a low GPA? And before Junior year! At my former high school, the minimum was at least 3.5 GPA, and to get in as a sophomore was an achievement only our valedictorian could do.</p>
<p>Thanks I really appreciate the feedback! </p>
<p>NHS at our school starts sophomore year for some reason and you only need a 3.0, which is strange, I agree. Anyway, I really just slacked off my sophomore year, kinda like a sophomore slump
… If I can bump up my SAT scores which I’m hoping should happen since I only took them at sophomore year and without studying, will that help in addition to having good ECs. I’d imagine that if I can do well enough this year I can pull my GPA up to a 3.5 at least, which would still be relatively on the low side, but would my chances be any better if I pull SATs and GPA up significantly?</p>
<p>Of course, the higher the better.</p>
<p>Your GPA and SATs are both quite weak for GU. I would have a Plan B, as I think your chances of admission are slim.</p>
<p>dont take this as being too picky - it just jumped out at me - PSIA level 1 should be noted as a prof. ski instructor, not prof. skier. it’s prob. more interesting to your application anyway that you reached that level of instructor as a h.s. student. saying you are a prof. skier is (i think) misleading, unless you actually are one of the handful of top ski team members.</p>
<p>Kinda bringing this back as I didn’t see some of the responses… but anyway, true psia is professional instructor, or professional skier depending on how you look at it. but aside from that, i’ve also been at nationals for skicross 2 years in a row now. </p>
<p>just wanted to point that out:)</p>
<p>I def agree w/the above comments. Your GPA is scary looking. BUT, I don’t agree that your chances are slim. Colleges RARELY look at Freshmen scores, and Soph scores matter just a bit more. Junior/senior years are where you really make connections w/ your teachers, take challenging courses, and develop as an adult. I think if you manage a 4.0 UW (or somewhere close), Gtown might see the positive growth in your GPA and forgive your earlier grades. But just remember that 73% of Georgetown’s admitted students 2009 were valedictorian or salutatorian of their class. You should look here for more info about Gtown’s admitted students’ stats: [Georgetown</a> University- Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_sdprofile.cfm]Georgetown”>http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_sdprofile.cfm)</p>
<p>There are of course, no faults w/your extracurriculars. But if you’re truly interested in politics, look into an internship with a local congressman. it’s fun. :)</p>
<p>xiao, according to the graphs only 50% of the students are valedictorians or salutatorians.</p>
<p>Thanks xiao, that was helpful… Yeah I pretty much hope to finish with a 4.0 this year which would obviously bring me to a 3.55, certainly closer to the range… However, although my gpa is weak, I have a competitive class and whatnot, so my class rank is still in the top 10% which I feel can put gpa into context a little more.</p>
<p>I think you have a chance if you bring the GPA and test scores up…I think being a national skiier might help you more at other places than at a place like Georgetown with no ski team. But worry about bringing the Gpa/Test Scores up first. Good Luck!
Feel free to chance me @ <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1055573-i-know-its-early-but-chances-junior.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1055573-i-know-its-early-but-chances-junior.html</a></p>
<p>Bring your GPA up. That is all…</p>