Rising ninth grader just starting to look at colleges

 As the title suggests, I am a rising ninth grader beginning what might be a premature search for college. I'm not exactly sure what I would like to do as a career, but am definitely looking at something STEM-related (physics, maybe?). I live in a southern state with a poor reputation for education, but will attend one of the best public high schools in my state. Having already taken several classes for high school credit and performed well in them, I think I could attend a fairly good college, but I don't really know which schools I should consider.

Grades (High School Credit):
Digital Literacy: 97
Honors Algebra I: 100
Honors Algebra II: 99
Honors Physical Science: 98
Honors Spanish I: 100

My other grades that were not for high school credit were very similar.

Music (Lesson each week, Region Band 1 time, All-State Band 1 time, Marching Band)
Boy Scouts (Life Scout working on Eagle project)
I also plan to join some clubs in high school.

I know this college search might be starting to soon, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

It is way too soon. At this point just do the best in high school, take AP classes when available and get involved in EC’s.

There are some things you need to know in order to do a good college search:

  1. Your family budget and eligibility for financial aid
  2. Your preferences for environment. Even though you want to leave your state, visit some nearby colleges and see how you like big schools, small schools, liberal arts versus career-focused (such as business or engineering) schools
  3. If leaving the area, some sense of how you match up nationally, such as a PSAT score, and later your ACT,SAT, and other test scores.

For now, work on building a solid high school transcript, participate in activities, and visit a few schools to get a feel for them.

Thanks, @TomSrOfBoston . I am starting AP classes this year (Human Geography).

@AroundHere Thank you so much! I took the PSAT last year and my score was around a 1300. I will work on building my transcript and try to participate in more extracurriculars.

1300 is awesome for a freshman. You should end up being a candidate for a wide range of schools. I would add to my visiting advice above, take tours of honors programs when you visit places that have them.

Remember that picking a college isn’t just about getting into the fanciest school, even when you have top stats. It should be your own choices, not those of the ranking companies. Take the time to get to know your own wants and needs on your own terms before you get sucked into the college hype machine.

@AroundHere This is really good advice. When the time comes, I will be sure to make the best choice for me.

As a person who also started their college search process insanely early, I get where you are right now. I would advise you to take a standardized test as soon as possible, just to get a feel for it. I would personally recommend the ACT, but that’s your choice. I took it when I was in eighth grade (26), so I was better prepared junior year (34). Also, spend some time choosing ECs that are meaningful to YOU, not someone else. Essays will be much easier to write if you’re passionate about what you’ve done. Also, take AP’s in classes that are right for your career path. For me, I took the math and science ones and stayed as far away as possible from the history ones. If you overload yourself with AP’s you care nothing about, you are going to burn out and won’t be as effective in the classes you love. If you have an idea of what you want to do career-wise, meet with and shadow people who are in that field. Volunteer only if you are able to do so in an area of your interest. Lastly, take a breath. You are already way ahead of the game. I’m currently a senior, with friends my age who are just beginning this same process. Good luck! You’ve got this.

Thanks @Bella2018 . I neglected to mention this earlier, but I took the ACT in 7th grade and got a 24. Shadowing is an interesting idea, and I will consider it. I am taking an AP class in history rather than science because that is the only one 9th graders at my school are allowed to take.

Concentrate on doing well in high school. Plan your high school courses to include the well rounded base that is generally expected, plus academic and other electives of your interest:

For standardized testing, your 11th grade PSAT is important if you want to try to qualify for National Merit. It is also advisable to take the SAT and ACT some time in 11th grade so that you know the scores for college search purposes and have time for a retry in 12th grade if desired.

Your interests and aspirations can change a lot/be refined in three years time (the time in which you will be applying for colleges). My best suggestion is to use your time in High School wisely. Join clubs and explore your interests in ninth grade. As you do so you will find what you like doing and where your passions lie. Focus on the activities that are most meaningful to you. Take courses you find interesting and challenging.

Of course, try to get good grades and in your free time you can start thinking about/preparing for standardized tests. Keep in mind that in the course of a high school student’s career, there will be a lot of standardized testing, including but not limited to, state-wide competency tests (to meet HS graduation requirement), SAT and/or ACT, multiple SAT II Subject tests, PSAT, and multiple AP exams.

Of these tests, the SAT/ACT and SAT Subject tests are the most important for college admission (meaning these will be the focus for admissions officers when evaluating you). They might also look at AP, but that will not be their focus. AP is mostly used to determine whether or not you will receive college credit once you are in college. What’s more important is how you do well in your classes, aka your transcript/report card/GPA. The PSAT is used for the National Merit Scholarship. It’s actually not a significant amount of money (to make a sizable impact on your college tuition alone), but it’s an important achievement to have all on its own.

Overall, just do your best to get the best grades you can at this point, and make the most of your high school career.

As you suggested, looking for colleges is premature. What is not, however, is learning how to pay attention to what truly interests you. The advice about preparing for standardized tests and focusing on doing well in high school is sound. You sound like a good and talented student, and while this is certainly preferable to the alternative, it also poses some of its own challenges. For example, if you get a good grade on a project you hated doing, you may feel after the fact that the pleasure of the grade was worth the pain. Maybe, maybe not. As a student, you do need to do what’s asked of you by the teacher, and if you want a good grade, you’ll have to do it well, so there will inevitably be some grinding through on school work. You don’t want to be in a position in a few years of having undermined your options for college! With that said, one of the best things you can do for yourself as a student and as a person is to spend a little time every week really thinking about what you’ve done over the last week that really appealed to you and what felt really miserable. (You could even jot down a few notes every night in a journal – “best of day” and “worst of day”. ) Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD. This will make you far better able to figure out what you want from your college experience when you get to the point (junior year) of thinking about this more seriously.

You’re off to an awesome start! As someone with potential to graduate near the top of your class and be a national merit finalist, you are a likely candidate for big academic scholarships later and for admission to the very top level private universities and to honors programs at public universities. That will all depend on your strategy and success going forward. So here is the game plan that I advise, based on what will be asked for on the college applications and scholarship applications later on.

Courses: Take as many AP courses as possible, as you are doing already starting freshman year, because that will affect your total GPA and ranking in your class among your peers. Winding up in the top 5% of your class can help you get scholarships and admissions to elite honors programs and universities. (I am assuming your school will weight the AP courses for GPA like most schools do.) The key is to make As in the AP courses and also take the corresponding AP exams, and still avoid burnout. If you were to wind up as Valedictorian, there are some scholarships that are only offered to valedictorians, so keep that in mind.

Extracurricular Activities: Colleges will look for leadership roles. If there is not an existing club you are interested in leading one day, then start one and become the instant founder and president. Ideally this should be related to your intended major, so check out the STEM clubs at your school.

Volunteer Work: This should be related to any future career you are considering, and ideally be at one place for a long time (throughout high school, e.g.) – not one day here, and one day there type of volunteering. For example, a future science major can volunteer at a local science or natural history museum staffing educational carts, or volunteer at a hospital.

Competitions/Honors/Awards: Not all honors and awards are the same. They are tiered – international, national, multistate region, state, region within a state, city/county, school. So any awards your school gives you just won’t stack up against other students who have won national and international awards. Keep that in mind as you decide which competitions to look for and enter. STEM competitions include science fairs, tech fairs, hackathons, olympiads, science bowls, mathematical modeling competitions, etc. Most high schools do not advertise all of the opportunities out there, so be sure to search online for options in addition to what you see offered at your school. Try for individual and team-based competitions. Becoming an Eagle Scout as you have planned is very impressive and would qualify as a national honor/award. You will ideally want to have some high level STEM awards as well. Just fyi – membership in “national honor societies” is considered a school level award, not a national award, since each school sets rules for who gets admitted.

Research: Since you are considering STEM-related majors, I strongly suggest getting research experience in a university or government lab while still in high school. These opportunities are out there – some through special programs that take place in the summer, and some that can be all year if you contact a professor and they agree to let you conduct research in their lab. My daughter was offered the chance to conduct research at a top tier university starting age 14. For various reasons she wound up not taking up that offer, but she did later spend a summer working at a government research lab after junior year, and that helped her secure great offers for college admissions and scholarships.

Computing: Every STEM field out there is highly reliant on computers nowadays. Whether you take programming and related classes online (free) or at your school, I recommend getting a strong background in this area before you head off to college. You won’t regret it.

Standardized Tests: You should be taking these every year, to continue getting practice and see where you stand. Prepare seriously each time, and go over what you missed afterward so you keep learning and improving. Because my daughter knew what score to expect when you took the SAT for real, having already taken it every year starting in 7th grade, she knew when her actual SAT score for college came out that it was erroneous. The results said she had made a 610 on verbal, when in fact she had made a 780 – which we found out after challenging the SAT and having them rescore it by hand. Yes, the College Board makes mistakes! That difference in score was the difference in what colleges she got admitted to and what scholarships she was offered.

Startups/Creativity: I just add this because some students really thrive on “starting” things, whether it is a business or a nonprofit or an annual fundraising event. Others thrive on creating things, which could include useful apps or something that could be patented or any number of other things. If you have achievements like these, they of course look great on a college and scholarship application. You don’t need to go out of your way to do this, but it is certainly one more thing that is impressive. For example, there is an MIT/Harvard physics major out there who has been called the “next Einstein” and who is also known as “physics girl.” Her name is Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski. She impressed colleges because she built her own airplane when very young, and then learned to fly it at a young age. An activity like that would fall in this Startups/Creativity category.

It is way too early to think about specific colleges (especially the hyper-competitive ones). You just have one full year’s GPA and you have no standardized testing. You also need to recognize that HS should be an experience in and of itself – a time of learning and growth and not just a 4 year college application prep experience.

It is good to take school seriously and know that college will be on your horizon, but it is too early to start planning for specific colleges. I would highly recommend that you get off of CC until your junior year.

For now you should focus on:
–Working hard, learning, and doing as well as you can in the most challenging curriculum you can manage.
–When the time comes study for standardized tests.
–Continue your involvement in activities you care about and work towards making meaningful contributions to those activities.
–Enjoying spending time with your family and friends.

When the time comes asses your academic stats (including GPA, standardized tests, course rigor) as well as your financial needs and apply to a wide range of reach, match, and safety schools that appear affordable (you will have to run a net price calculator for each school you consider) and that you would be happy to attend. You need to expand your horizons and recognize that there are many wonderful schools out there where you can have a great 4 year experience and get where you want to go in life.

For one, you just finished freshman year! I know it’s tempting to start thinking about schools this early, and I did too! I really wanted to go to UPenn and get my MD. However, as sophomore and junior year went by, I realized that physical therapy was my true calling. After doing some research into schools alongside keeping my grades and EC’s up, I decided that UPenn was not right for me. When it came time to apply for schools, the most “prestigious” school I went for was Northeastern. I ultimately ended up at my current school, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. I’ve made so many friends and memories there that I would choose it any day over Northeastern or UPenn.

That’s my story. Back to you. You’re off to a great start! Keep your grades up and get involved in clubs and/or sports! Apply for leadership positions! Do things that you love! If you can positively balance all of these things, you’ve qualified yourself as someone who can balance life at college. In junior year, you should definitely start looking at schools you know you’d love to be at. If you do choose to apply to Ivies, ask yourself what sets you apart from the other applicants. If you can find and prove it to the admissions committee, I’d say you’ve got a better shot.

Remember, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t end up at an Ivy League. In fact, at this rate, you might end up with some nice scholarships or grants from state schools! I strongly suggest you read David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell. I’ll provide the link below:


I hope this helped and best of luck with high school!

I am considering participating a summer academic program like Duke TIP next summer. Does anyone know if programs such as these are worth it? Are there any other programs in which I may be interested?

@fibonacci12358 Academic programs are great experiences that can be very rewarding and educational. Well-known programs like Duke TIP are well-regarded by a lot of past students, and are probably “worth” the money, if that is what you mean.

However, keep in mind that academic programs may or may not significantly help improve your college resume. Mainstream academic programs (and service trips, etc) are not “worth it” in this regard. Admissions officers will only conclude that you have the money to pay for the tuition and that you like taking more classes during the summer.

On the other hand, highly-selective, specialized academic/research programs WILL significantly improve your resume, as they show that you are among some of the best students in the country. Many of these programs are reserved for juniors and seniors, though.

Outside of programs, there are a lot of other meaningful activities you may consider. For example, you can contact professors at your local college, and ask to do a research internship under them. Or you can look for internships at local businesses or volunteer at the local hospital/library/community center/etc.

These are all great pursuits you may find worthwhile.

@fibonacci12358 I didn’t see you were a rising 9th grader LOL. That’s on me. Go for the summer programs! They may help boost your resume. More importantly, they give you a feel for what it’s like it live at college anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

I also agree with @IsoDidact, look for other opportunities that interest you. Take on things like research internships or volunteering if you’re into it. Remember, if you want to do it, go for it!