RN-BSN programs that are NOT online

<p>I am having difficulties finding an RN-BSN program that works for me. I am terrible with online learning, and definitely need the classroom setting. However, most schools seem to only offer it online or not at all. The ones that offer in-classroom seem to be very expensive (40k/yr). Since I have about three months to get a list of transfer schools to my CC, I am starting to stress out a bit.</p>

<p>I am an Illinois resident, so schools in IL, IA, WI are preferable due to tuition (for some reason, "in-state" is sometimes stretched between the three), but as I hope to move to NY sooner than later, schools in that state are also a possibility.</p>

<p>The only state school in Iowa that offers nursing is U of I, and their RN-BSN program is online. Iowa does not have reciprocity with any other states, so I would cross that one off my list as it’ll be very expensive. Iowa does have a number of private colleges with RN-BSN programs. Since you do not yet have a bachelor’s you may be eligible for scholarships, especially at some of the smaller schools.</p>

<p>You may find some legitimate programs that are partly online. For example, Penn State offers some nursing curriculum courses through their online “World University.” </p>

<p>I’d research further how any in-state tuition agreements work across state lines in your area, if any.</p>