<p>Just wanted to stop in and remind people that the supplemental materials form for the Robertson Scholarship Program is due December 1. </p>
<p>Info on the Robertson:</p>
<p>The Robertson Scholars Program is a full-ride merit scholarship program at Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill that covers all college costs (tuition, fees, room and board, laptop, travel to and from college, books, etc.). </p>
<p>The Robertson also provides full funding for three summers of global travel, research, and internships, as well as grants to travel to seminars and conferences of the student's choice during the school year and grants to support the development of projects of interest to individual scholars.</p>
<p>A unique benefit of the program is a "dual citizenship" where scholarship recipients are full students at both Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill.</p>
<p>The selection process seeks out students who will be change agents, innovative leaders who have the potential to have a profoundly positive impact on the world. Criteria for selection include superior academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and strength of character.</p>
<p>All 39,000 or so applications to Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill are theoretically considered for the Robertson, but the program strongly encourages interested applicants to fill out the programÂ’s Supplemental Materials Form in order to ensure direct review of the applicantÂ’s file by the Robertson staff.</p>
<p>More information about the Robertson program can be found at its website: Robertson</a> Scholars: Homepage</p>