Robot programs and/or kits

Hi. I have a friend whose kid is a freshman in high school and interested in robotics and engineering. Are there computer programs or kits that his uncle could give him for Christmas? I remember when my kids had similar interests all the robot kits were super-expensive. Any suggestions?

While I presume there are still D-I-Y robot kits, many HS kids interested in robotics join teams (typically through their school) - FIRST is one “brand” and I think there’s another, as well.

The first step would be recommending the kid explore that option or see if he’s already on a team. If yes, then a small “toy” robotics system may just go in the back of the closet until junk cleanout day.

Arduino kits are interesting. Not necessarily robotic but can be used with robotic assemblies. They aren’t crazy expensive and allow exploration of sensors, electronics, controls, etc.

I second Arduino kits. My D also had fun with the Apple sphero-sprk.
There are also some cool kits available that aren’t too expensive. Here’s an example:

There are many different options and different price ranges. It would be interesting to know what the student is most interested in. Arduino is good as are many of the kits from vex -

I believe the kid is part of the robotics and engineering club which participates in the First Tech Challenge. (Used to be Vex.)

If the kid is already involved in a club that does FTC, perhaps the gift of a camp or workshop in support of that interest would be nice.

My kid is heavily involved in robotics and leads his team this year. At the high school level, the team is building and programming the robot so knowledge and hands-on experience is valuable. Some camps/workshops my kid found useful were programming (e.g. Python, Kotlin, C++), and engineering design (e.g. 3D design, circuitry, material properties).

Thanks everyone for the suggestions I’ve passed the info on. My kid did the robot ramble for his first Science Olympiad and said “Never again!”, but I really enjoyed watching the other teams who had figured out how to solve the problem much better than he and his friends had.

This is all brain and paper stuff, no hands on kit, but my son really enjoyed it. It gave him a deep understanding of computing. His CS roommate said my son knew more about computers than he did. He did it after his Junior year during the summer.

The Elements of Computing…

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