Roll Call! Accepted Students for Fall 2013! Post here! :)

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: PA (in Philly)</p>

<p>Intended Major: Telecommunications with a minor in Spanish </p>

<p>Professional tracks: Plan on becoming a broadcaster maybe a sports broadcaster
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Concerts, football games, Music, working out ,friends</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? Yes in April 2012 and I cant wait to go back</p>

<p>Possible Honors College but if I get in am I allowed to decline? My dream is to study aboard in London and intern at CNN. I am so happy this is the only school i applied to and I now am going to my dream school. I can not believe it. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Gender: F</p>

<p>Home State: VA (Northern - Fairfax County)</p>

<p>Intended Major: Marketing/Communications</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc)</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Student Government, Yearbook, Newspaper</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so? Yes! This week! Loved it!</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include, such as scholarship awards, interest in the Honors College, interest in BUI, CBH, UFE, etc</p>

<p>Possibly Honors College</p>

<p>For my D:</p>

<p>Gender: F</p>

<p>Home State: New Mexico</p>

<p>Intended Major: Computer Science</p>

<p>Professional track: None</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: MDB(pit percussion), programming, reading</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so? Not yet, hoping to do so this fall, maybe mid-October</p>

<p>Anything else:
Applying to Honors College, probable NMF</p>

<p>Accepted already? My son’s HS won’t even start processing transcript requests until 9/18. His application is submitted but now we have to just sit and wait for UA to receive the transcript sometime in late Sep or early Oct.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I510 using CC</p>

<p>^^^ DD’s school didn’t want to send out transcripts until 9/15 - but I (and a couple other parents) prevailed upon them to send transcripts this summer to Bama. I explained that getting accepted early impacted housing options and that you couldn’t apply to Honors until you were accepted. The school was reasonable - but the kids had to be too. They made an exception for Bama, but not the 6-12 other schools the kids were applying to.</p>

<p>Do you all know when you can pay the housing deposit ?</p>



<p>My D’s high school was the same way, and unlike ChicagoBear’s high school, ours didn’t budge. They made no exceptions for anyone. Despite submitting her application on the first day it was available last year, my D didn’t end up getting accepted until October and couldn’t get the first pick time for housing. Fortunately she had a roommate who had the first pick time and pulled her in. However, you don’t have to deposit in October to get housing. One of D’s friends deposited in December and, since she was just looking for a single room, had no trouble getting into the residence hall of her choice. I’m sure kids depositing even later had the same experience. However, if you’re looking for an entire suite in a popular residence hall, having an early pick time is key. My understanding is that Bama sets aside housing for NMFs, so if you’re NMF you’ll get honors housing even if you deposit late. A friend’s NMF son didn’t decide to go to Bama and make his deposits until late April a couple years ago and he got honors housing without a problem.</p>

Southern California</p>

<p>Major: “Pre-med” (not a major I know but in Bama’s eyes it seems to be)</p>

<p>After undergrad plans: I am really interested in MD/PhD programs. Many are fully funded with stipends, last 8 years, and they fit my hopeful career perfectly (neuro anything, professor)</p>

<p>Extra Bama apps: honors college and CBH for sure, maybe UFE I haven’t even heard of that until today</p>

<p>Hobbies: I love computers. I also tutor a lot at my school as a part time job. </p>

<p>No visit, not really feasible. CBH flying out finalists will hopefully be a chance for me to see the university.</p>

<p>Posting for S</p>


<p>Home State:ALABAMA</p>

<p>Intended Major:undecided- Business, computer Science</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc)</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Intramural sports- plays baseball</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? has gone to 2-3 games since 10 years old- went on tour with 10 friends and Moms in June… </p>

<p>plans to join a fraternity…</p>

<p>Posting for D13</p>

<p>Home State: PA (but attending boarding school OOS this year)</p>

<p>Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering/Computer Science</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc)</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: robotics, music, piano</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so?
Yes, we visited last spring and loved it</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include, such as scholarship awards, interest in the Honors College, interest in BUI, CBH, UFE, etc
She is very interested HC, CBH and UFE</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Texas Gulf Coast - just north of Houston</p>

<p>Intended Major: Dual/Business Marketing and Public Relations</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Performing Arts, YoungLife, NonProfit Fundraising, Volleyball</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? Wonderful visit in May 2012 which cinched the deal !!! ROLL TIDE</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include: Official NMSF/anticipate NMF, Presidential Scholarship eligible, will participate in Honors College. Hopes to join GLO, study abroad and find like-minded roommates for Honors dorm suite freshman year.</p>

<p>Posting for my DS</p>

<p>Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: NC</p>

<p>Intended Major: Pre-law</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Girls, sports, greek life, expanding horizons</p>

<p>This was DS’s top choice and we’re thrilled for him! He will be visiting a friend over the
Thanksgiving holiday to get a taste of UA life and the frat house.</p>

<p>Gender: Male</p>

<p>Home State: IL</p>

<p>Intended Major: Finance and Journalism</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc)</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Sports broadcasting, politics</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so?</p>

<p>Yes! In July for 10 days for CBLA. Had a blast!</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include, such as scholarship awards, interest in the Honors College, interest in BUI, CBH, UFE, etc</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship, Honors College</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: New Hampshire!!!</p>

<p>Intended Major: Pure Mathematics (possibly a double major in Astrophysics? any thoughts?)</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Math, math, math! Reading (among other things, math books!), clarinet (All-State, All-New England, All-State Chamber etc), soccer, astronomy, physics, star trek! (the original series!)…I also enjoy crafts- I knit, quilt etc when I have time…I really love math though…I love to discover ideas for myself, and write proofs etc, and talk to my math teachers in the hall, at lunch etc…LOVE math…Oh! Possible new interest: philosophy! Just read Rene Descartes Six Meditations of First Philosophy and was so intrigued that I think this is a new interest…</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so?
I visited Bama last June, and loved it!!! Beautiful campus; wonderful, kindest people; and it was just grand! I met with several professors which was also soooo fun…I’m contemplating going back for a second visit, but it’s quite a trip…Anyone think it’s worth it?</p>

<p>I have the stats to get in the Honors College, and I’m going to apply for the CBHP, because the program sounds wonderfully fun, challenging, and exciting! I know it’s competitive, so we’ll see how it goes!!!</p>

<p>Mahans- there will be Capstone Scholar Day in January for people admitted to the Honors College. A nice break from the cold (I’m in RI) and you also might want to check the school calendar or check with the Honors College or whatever department you are interested in to see if there is anything going on. You can also schedule a meeting in your department with a professor and sit in on some classes. Maybe go to a football game, though check for hotels early, they fill fast on football weekends.</p>

<p>Thank you Proudmama3 for the info! I didn’t know about “Capstone Scholar Day” so will definitely look into that! Wow, I’d love to be able to sit in on classes! That sounds great- that would certainly be a plus…Thanks again :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know that if you apply for honors college and you get accepted, can you turn it down if you decide not to do it?</p>

<p>Posting for my DD '13</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: New Orleans area, LA (Came back from Isaac evacuation to find the Alabama packet in the mailbox. It must have been there through all the wind and rain! We are fine; only street flooding and a few shingles down!)</p>

<p>Intended Major: Musical Theatre and/or Dance (both are admissions by audition only and auditions are in early November on back to back weekends); and/or Exercise Science/Kinesiology (Ideally wants to double major in one of the arts and Kinesiology)</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc) Yes, pre-Physical Therapy</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: musical theatre, dance, physical therapy, Spanish language and culture</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so?</p>

<p>Yes! Last February during Mardi Gras week. Great campus visit arranged by Allison Verhine in Honors. Met with voice professor in MT and head of MT; toured dorms; had lunch with honors student. It was beautiful! Going back for audition weekends in November.</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include, such as scholarship awards, interest in the Honors College, interest in BUI, CBH, UFE, etc</p>

<p>Qualified for Presidential Scholarship. Want to be part of Honors College. Interested in Spanish foreign language, Study Abroad opportunities, Greek life. Not sure about CBH or UFE because of time issues with double major and theatre/dance rehearsals.</p>


<p>Just getting back to normal after Isaac. School was out all week. Power just came back on Friday. Cox Communications (cable, internet, phone) just came back Saturday. School starts again tomorrow. So I feel I’m behind the eight ball as far as the college process. I guess we need to send in enrollment deposit and make a note about housing deposit on my calendar so she can get first choice. She won’t be NMF, so we’ll need to get deposit early to get best housing.</p>

<p>UA is one of DD’s top 3 schools! Depends on auditions…Keeping fingers crossed because I think it is her best option for all of her varied interests!</p>

for DS
Home State: PA (between Philly and Trenton NJ</p>

<p>Intended Major: AeroEng</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Outdoor Activities; Electric Guitar</p>

<p>Visited end of July. Hopes to revisit in February to sit in on a class.</p>

<p>He is interested in Honors College, UFE and is NMSF. He qualifies for Presidential.</p>

<p>Posting for my DD</p>

<p>Gender: Female</p>

<p>Home State: Ohio</p>

<p>Intended Major: Biology or Chemistry</p>

<p>Professional tracks, if applicable: (such pre-Medical, pre-Dental, pre-Vet, pre-Law, PT, OT, etc) Premed</p>

<p>Hobbies/Interests: Cheerleading, French, Hospital Volunteering, Horseback Riding, Reading, Friends, Travel</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama yet? If so, when did you visit? If not, will you do so?</p>

<p>Visited in early August, great individualized visit with very friendly students and staff</p>

<p>Also, include anything else you’d like to include, such as scholarship awards, interest in the Honors College, interest in BUI, CBH, UFE, etc</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship, Honors College, CBH, study abroad</p>