Roll Tide. ....multi purpose phrase

<p>OK, the only new thing I have learned at BB that you all have not educated me on already is that the phrase Roll Tide is so much more than a war cry. In fact, I have noticed it has the following definitions:
Good bye
It’s all good
Be cool
Chill out
Have a good day</p>

<p>I am sure I missed a few!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Well, as long as you’re bringing it up, it’s time to dust off this beauty from ESPN, a true classic: </p>

<p>[ESPN</a> Alabama Roll Tide Commercial - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>ha ha…I was just about to post that link as well.</p>

<p>Auburn was so livid that that commercial came out the year that it won the BCS. </p>

<p>Roll Tide, Sore Eagle</p>



<p>It never gets old, does it, mom?</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>



<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>M2ck… are you on campus?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>


<p>No, I’m not. Wish I were.</p>

<p>Roll Tide all y’all!</p>

<p>Don’t forget this classic commercial as well.</p>

<p>[Bama</a> / auburn rivalry commercial - YouTube](<a href=“Bama / auburn rivalry commercial - YouTube”>Bama / auburn rivalry commercial - YouTube)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>What about this video that my son shared with me…Talking about child abuse! I hope this link works correctly.</p>

<p>[I&#39;m&lt;/a&gt; Gonna Put You In The Auburn Store! - YouTube](<a href=“I'm Gonna Put You In The Auburn Store! - YouTube”>I'm Gonna Put You In The Auburn Store! - YouTube)</p>

<p>That poor child probably has nightmares just from seeing that logo. I started crying just seeing the image on my computer screen.</p>



<p>Yeah, no kidding! I mean, you can’t blame the poor parents for trying to teach their child tolerance and acceptance, but some laws of nature are immutable. That’s why the zoning laws here prohibit Auburn stores. :)</p>

<p>We went into DC for dinner on Monday night- walking down Connecticut Avenue when suddenly there were people going nuts banging on a bar window from inside and screaming at us. We suddenly realized they were yelling “Roll Tide” and then realized our son was wearing the Bama shirt that he had gotten at an admission event. Made quite an impression on my son in a good way, but scared his poor girlfriend half to death! We then had to try and explain Roll Tide to this girl who has never been in Alabama and has never been to a football game. I think she ended up deciding we are all nuts when I tried to explain that my mom’s funeral was on an Alabama football game day so that we called the reception afterward a “Roll Tide party” and had all Alabama plates, napkins etc. It is what Momma would have wanted.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>And probably don’t even need to add this, but yes, we had the game on TV during the reception and yes, Bama won. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>When I started teaching, I worked in elementary schools and wore very colorful, handmade vests (and sometimes, I have ties to match), because they served as conversation starters with classes. Eventually I moved to the high school ranks where my vests continue to be popular with students and teachers alike. The other day, I was signing a pass for a couple of chemistry students when one said to his friend, “I told you that she wears the best vests.” After thanking him, he continued, “And my favorite is the Roll Tide one.”</p>

<p>tjmom: Those kids at the bar in DC? Probably a couple of my son’s friends who are in town as interns.</p>

<p>Momsreads- we live here, so if they need a “local”, get in touch!</p>

<p>tjmom: We live in Virginia, about 90 minutes from DC. My son, when he returns from his internship in late July, plans to contact some of those friends and spend a day or two there.</p>

<p>tjmom, I shall let you arrange my funeral as well. No better way to “go out” than with a Bama themed party and The Tide on tv.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide, indeed! I do have to say that it is bittersweet seeing my son seriously consider Alabama. If he goes, he will be the ONLY one of my mom’s 9 grandchildren to go to Alabama and the only one that will start college after she died. But Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Had to add the latest story. On a flight to Mobile and a guy in an Auburn shirt sat down behind me. After we took off, a young lady walked down the aisle on her way to the ladies’ room. As she passes him, she cheerfully said, “Roll Tide”. He didn’t respond, but after she was in the ladies’, he muttered, “That is what I hate about 'Bama fans”. I laughed out loud.</p>