Rollins Class of 2023

Wow - that’s a lot of people for few scholarships. I think the UNC Morehead-Cain scholarship weekend invites about twice as many people as they have scholarships.

My niece got the Alonzo Rollins scholarship worth $27K a year. It’s a terrific offer and we’re waiting for the complete financial package. Is Rollins College worth it? I know it’s well known in Florida but I don’t know if they place well for jobs after the student graduates. My niece likes the location but we’re from the midwest and have not heard a lot about Rollins. Any thoughts as to its reputation?

boydikoy, here are the things I like about Rollins for my child: small school, involved professors, easy distance to Orlando for internships, etc., great honors program, and the ability to live on campus all four years. We’re still seeing if we can make the numbers work but I think it is my daughter’s first choice.

Thanks @Tuitiontimesfour - yes, I am hoping the financial package would be feasible to make the decision easier. We are waiting for other highly selective LACs in the midwest that are known to be generous with merit awards and grants. Rollins’ edge is in its location (no snow!) and a beautiful campus.

Received our official financial package yesterday. It was exactly the same as what I got on the EFC calculator and what was in the acceptance letter.

My DD has decided on Trinity University in San Antonio. Wishing all of you the best in your college search process! :slight_smile:

@boydikoy I’m an alum and I’ve had a great career…same for all my Rollins friends. It’s a fantastic place to spend 4 years.

@chb088 ---- My niece would love to go to Rollins, and she’s now waiting for the financial package. I just hope it works out for her financially speaking.

@sahmkc — My other niece is now a sophomore at Trinity U on a substantial scholarship. She’s loving it and your DD will be challenged academically. I think Trinity is highly underrated and it’s one of the best value colleges in the West for sure.

Son accepted to Rollins class of 2023, really likes the weather and campus; I am reluctant as he wants to study history/secondary ed. Not sure it’s worth the pricetag (even with a sizeable merit scholarship). Visiting again for an accepted students day. The size and relative unknown nature of the school are giving me pause. Any thoughts on this out there?

@boro2015 He will love it! Everyone does!

Hi everyone! Have you already heard back from Rollins on your financial aid package? My niece has been accepted with a great merit award and have not yet received her financial package. It’s been 3 months already.